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Yazarın fotoğrafı: Bülent TurgutBülent Turgut

Güncelleme tarihi: 2 Ara 2023

These are the studies carried out on behalf of the Turkutopia Community International and the Turkish Preppers Community International. These are private works for the public benefit. The works are made available for general use from time to time.

As long as our values and minds are respected, non-Turkish communities can also obtain our publications and join the camp structures. Throughout history, Turks have been understanding towards societies that did not attack them. Turks are noble souls.

These studies are carried out by Bülent Abdullah Turgut, who has developed himself in many fields such as climate development in the world, geography and geological structure of world countries, disasters and catastrophes, cartography and mapping, Nibiru / Tarık Star, Astronomy and Astrophysics with his 43 years of knowledge and has produced solutions against disasters. Prepared by. He is the leader of the Turkish Preparators Community and Turkutopia Society, which is active in 40+ countries and has more than 2.5 million members. He has gained acclaim in the Turkish World and many other countries with his unprecedented works. Global Head Assistant Prof. Dr. Asel Hanbayova, Europe Assistant Melek Dursun and Türkiye Assistant Ertuğrul Yılmaz.


For those who would like to obtain our publications and services, our offices responsible for the work will be as follows as of 2024;



There are no words that can describe the importance of our work. Because Turkey is the most beautiful but most dangerous geography in the world in terms of disasters and disasters. "End of Times Events (End of Times, Doomsday, Apocalypse)", which is told in all 3 monotheistic religions, describes the huge, destructive, consuming and destructive events that will occur right before the Doomsday. Preppers do not run away from the Doomsday, they aim to take precautions against the events that will occur before the Doomsday and will occur within at least 10 years. After this process called Apocalypse, there will be a period called "King of God" by Christians and "The Last Century of Bliss" by Muslims. In this process, according to Islam, there will be happy and peaceful times that will continue under the influence of the Sultanate of Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Atheists, Agnostics and Deists are always happy. They are no different from Jews. However, there are many narratives in the Quran and Hadiths about making preparations against bad times for those who have sincere faith, true faith and faith. Fatalism, that is, leaving things alone, is not Islamic. Because man came to this world to be tested by what he will do.

What benefits does our work bring to you?

1. Convenience when you want to live off the grid (municipal and state services)

2. Your protection when disasters and calamities come

3. Convenience when you want to grow your own garden crops and care for your own livestock

4. Avoiding situations such as public order problems, civil unrest, social crisis

5. Least affected by wars

6. Integrating with nature and protecting your health

7. Staying away from situations that are contrary to human nature and religion, such as YDD

Outlook: The strength and number of disasters and catastrophes around the world are increasing. It is essential that we prepare for disasters and catastrophes, take precautions, equip ourselves with knowledge and protect ourselves religiously, conscientiously, as a national perspective and as a contemporary idea.

Preparation: The first stage of preparation is to have information and make a plan. When it comes to Major Disasters and Disasters, the first goal is to preserve life. In the second stage for survivors, comes the struggle with the associated and side effects of Disasters and Disasters. At this stage, attention will be paid to things such as security, protection from wild animals and poisonous insects, temporary or permanent settlement in a safe area, food and drink supply, protection from ongoing side effects and side effects, hygiene and cleanliness. Geologically and geographically safe location, staying together with people who can be trusted, overcoming difficult situations by distributing tasks in cooperation, building temporary or long-term shelter, building a new living space together if the old living place is destroyed, producing and doing old-style trading, narrow spaces It has many main topics such as gardening, vegetable production, and protection against all kinds of dangers. Since you cannot overcome all this alone or with your family, we created camp / camp structures.

Information: The issue of obtaining information is not just about what you do when there is an earthquake and what you do when there is a tsunami. Those who say "it is destiny" or "the state will handle it" will be disappointed. Because, in a disaster or catastrophe that will affect millions of people, only your individual efforts and preparations will be useful. We wrote a book and prepared hundreds of documents. Be sure to take advantage of these.


Don't care what anyone else says. A lot of people talk nonsense. The Quran repeatedly states that "most people are foolish", "most people follow their own desires", "most people have gone astray from their path". If you are a sane, astute, prudent, moral, conscious, respectful of real science and people of knowledge, moderate, not fatalist but believer in fate, not a wasteful person, not procrastinating and not regretting, you should spend some of the resources you spend on life to take precautions against disasters and catastrophes. You should use it to prepare. What you will receive is something that will be useful for a lifetime and even for your grandchildren. So remember that you will always get information and materials that you can use. If there is no dedication and effort, there will be no success.

I. Document Packages for Beginners:

Holistic information is for those who cannot spare much budget for camping equipment, planning and other Prepper matters. You can handle these issues with a starting level budget, but it is still not at the level of non-existent. Only the prices of camping equipment have increased considerably compared to a few years ago. However, do not forget that it will be a serious investment for many Disasters and Disasters that will occur in the near future.

1. Entry Level Package

2. Mid-Range Package

3. Premium Package

II. Document Packages for Those Who Want to Act Shortcut and Fast:

It is for those who can spare a serious budget for holistic information, camping equipment, planning and other Prepper issues. You can handle these issues with a medium to advanced budget, and it will support you very well during a major Disaster. Remember that this will be a serious investment for many Disasters and Disasters that will occur in the near future.

1. Must-Have Essentials Pack

2. I Take Responsibility Package

3. I'm an Active Prepper Package

4. I'm Completely Ready Package


These are studies that will help you create your Personal Disaster Risk Control Plan before Disasters and Disasters begin. Acquiring these will make it easier for you to make decisions and take action in chaotic times. It will ensure that you have a plan in advance for matters such as reunification of your family and friends, temporary housing, security and meeting needs.

A. Disaster Plan Package:

1. Prepper Essentials Package

B. Disaster Plan Plus Package:

2. Plus Preparation Information

3. Don't Be a Super Prepper

IV. Additional Studies:

We offer you our solutions within the scope of information and action plan for chaotic times. Make your preparations before Disasters and Disasters begin, and do not regret later by saying "I wish I had done it". Make the same effort to survive in times of disaster as you do to survive. Don't leave today's work for tomorrow.

1. Useful Documents

2. City Escape Plans in Disasters

3. Personal Safe Location Detection

4. Participation in Oba / Camp Organizations


City Escape Plan:

When chaotic disasters and catastrophes occur, you can go to one of the 3 camps created in the safe area closest to you. You will set up your camp by meeting other participants who come to the camping areas. If you do not know how to get away from your city and where to go when major disasters and catastrophes occur, this solution is for you. It is your big disaster plan. Normally, you need to prepare individually for yourself, your family and friends. Many people ask us to prepare this plan because they do not know what to do and cannot find time for such studies.

You will be given:

1. Safe Areas Map

2. Risky Areas Map

3. City Escape Plan Letter

4. City Flooding Map

5. Backpack Check Document

6. Document for Adapting to New Conditions and Surviving


Activities planned to be held in the city:

In order to achieve these, it is necessary to establish collaborations with local people and companies, find sponsors, and determine the places where the event will be held.

1. Turkish Preparators Community Meetings

2. Orienteering Tournament

3. Disaster Emergency Exercise

4. Camping Days

5. Bushcraft Days

6. Bushcraft, Woodcraft, Blacksmithing International Festival

7. Bushcraft, Woodcraft, Blacksmithing Competitions

8. The Prepper's Phone Book


Prepper's ID Cards You Can Get

Get the opportunity to meet people like you by getting one of the prep cards. Get the documents we prepare from time to time, either free of charge or at a low fee.

Prepper Card

- First access to new digital publications on preparation

- The right to receive 10 special articles about preparation every month

- Access to our preparation internet archive

Herbalist Card

- First access to new digital publications on healing seeking

- The right to receive 10 special articles every month about Alternative Healing methods

- Information about first aid and healing methods in preparation

Kinds of Communities Which Have ID Cards

1. Turkutopia Muslim Preppers Community

2. Türkütopya Turan Preppers Community

3. Türkütopia European Preppers Community

4. Turkutopia Turkestan Preppers Community

5. Türkütopia Asian Preppers Community

6. Turkutopia African Prepperrs Community

7. Türkütopia North American Preppers Society

8. Turkutopia South American Preppers Society

9. Turkutopia Oceania Preppers Community

10. Türkütopia Caucasus Preppers Community

11. Türkütopia Balkans Preppers Community

12. Turkutopia Arab Preppers Society


Communities You Can Become a Member of for an Annual Fee and Their Groups on Our Site:

Participants pay a Participation Fee. In return, ID + Password + Calling Code is prepared and sent. With an annual fee, you become a member of all 3 city communities for 1 year. Before and during disasters, information is shared and solidarity is maintained with these communities. During disasters, you will not be alone and you will be united with our members in your city.

Community members receive a 30% discount on BAT Digital Publications and a 25% discount on participation in Türkütopya Obas.

USA, New York Preparators Community

USA, New York Disaster Solidarity Community

USA, New York Turkutopia Community

Membership to Telegram Bushcraft, First Aid and Surviving Archive

Tags / Hashtags:

Signs / Person Tags:

@bulentabdullahturgut @bat @kunbildynasty


You are currently already purchasing the publications at a discount. If you want an additional discount, here is an opportunity. If you have purchased BAT's book, you will be able to use the following discount when purchasing the publications on this site when you send us the screenshot of your order. If you purchase publications from Kızıl Ok, you will also be able to use the discount below to purchase publications on this site.





One day an earthquake, the next day a flood, the next day a volcano, another day a small apocalypse... The world is gradually moving towards the Apocalypse process. If you are going to invest, invest in knowledge and participate in the camp organization to stand together in chaotic times. People's shops and houses are suddenly flooded and they are left with nothing. Villas worth tens of millions of lira are flooded and all that money becomes waste. These are better days. Two years ago, we said, "As long as Nibiru continues to approach, disasters and catastrophes will become worse in Turkey and the earth will be shaken." What we said then is happening today. What are we saying today? If Nibiru surprises you in 2024, you will have neither the time, nor the mind, nor the money to do anything after that time. You ask, "When will Nibiru come?" While you were asking, the next thing you know, he showed up. After that time, who will you find to receive literature, make preparations and join the camps? After hearing the sayha, everyone will move to where they feel safe. Anyway, goodbye to the internet, technology and electricity... Because with the arrival of Nibiru, we will return to the primitive life times. There will be no banks, no stock exchange, no pleasure, no clothes, no travelling. Everyone will be left with whatever preparations they made beforehand. Never forget that the last regret will not help and that you only have today to prepare. "He who does not think at the beginning is forced to brood at the end" Confucius.

From the Gospel of Kolbrin

"It was so terrible that memory was mercifully separated from Man. His thoughts were drowned under a cloud of forgetfulness. In this way the first Earth (Tiamat) was destroyed by the disaster that descended from the sky. People and their dwellings were gone. Only the sky rocks and the red earth remained where they once were. But amidst all the desolation that survives for mankind, a few are not easily destroyed, creeping from their caves and descending down the mountain sides. Their eyes were wild and their limbs trembled. Their bodies trembled and their calls went out of control. Their faces were twisted and their skin sagged to their bones. As wild beasts driven into an enclosure before the flames "They were mad. They knew no law, deprived of all the wisdom they once had, and those who guided them were gone."

NOTE: Tiamat is one of the ancient planets of the Solar System and during one of Nibiru's transits, Nibiru and Tiamat collided. Tiamat was disintegrated and nearly half of Nibiru was shattered into pieces.

"When the blood [red ash] falls to the earth, the destroyer (Nibiru) will appear and the mountains will open and belch (volcanoes will belch) fire and ashes. The trees will be destroyed and all living things will be swallowed up. The waters will be swallowed up by the land and the seas will boil. The skies will be bright and red It will burn. There will be a copper hue over the earth, followed by a dark day. A new moon (one of Nibiru's moons) will appear and it will break apart and fall. People will disperse in madness. They will hear the Wall and the battle cry of the destroyer, and they will take refuge in the shelters of the earth. Terror will eat their hearts and their courage will flow from them like water from a jug. They will be consumed by the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath of the destroyer. In those days the great book will be before the people and wisdom will be revealed. A few will be brought to the stand. It is the hour of the trial. The fearless will survive .The strong-hearted (faithful and intelligent) will not be destroyed..”

7 trumpet topics in the Bible

first trumpet

At the sound of the first trumpet, hail and fire mixed with blood are thrown onto the earth, burning a third of the trees and all green grass on the planet.

second trumpet

Cloisters of the Resurrection (c. 1330), an angel blows the 2nd trumpet and rains of fire rain down on the sea. The trumpet is an anafil adopted by Christians from the Muslim nafir after the two sides fought in the Reconquista and the Crusades.

At the sound of the second trumpet, something described as "a great mountain burning with fire" plunges into the sea, turning a third of the oceans into blood. Soon, a third of all marine life and a third of all ships will be destroyed. Some predict that the "big mountain" will be an asteroid shot out of the sky.

third trumpet

At the sound of the third trumpet, a massive star called Wormwood falls on Earth, poisoning one-third of the planet's freshwater resources such as rivers and springs. Many will die from the bitterness of its taste.[5] Some have suggested that this could have been a nuclear disaster, based on wormwood's similarity to the name Chernobyl.

fourth trumpet

After the fourth trumpet is blown, one third of the light shining from the sun, moon and stars is darkened from the hit celestial bodies." "This disaster causes complete darkness for one third of the day, even during night hours. This is the last trumpet before the three tribulations, also known as the fifth, sixth, and seventh trumpets.

fifth trumpet

The fifth trumpet is the "first sorrow" of the three. Before this trumpet sounds, an angel (translated as eagle in some versions) appears and warns, "Woe, woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpets of the three angels who are about to sound!"

The fifth trumpet calls for a personified star to fall from the sky. The star is given the key to the bottomless pit. Once opened, the smoke from the pit darkens the air and blocks sunlight. Then, locusts are released from the smoke. Grasshoppers are scorpion-tailed warhorses with a male face with lion teeth. They have long hair and fly with grasshopper-like wings. They were adorned with golden crowns and protected by iron breastplates. They are ordered by their king Abaddon to use their scorpion-like tails to torture anyone who does not have the God seal on their forehead. It was also clearly stated to them that they should not kill anyone during the five-month torment.

From the narrations of Hazrat Ali (ra)

Hz. Ali (ra) narrates from Al-Jafir: "The star that will appear before the emergence of the Mahdi has a strange tail. What you see is not a star in two-thirds of the ten years and not a star in two-thirds. It is neither a horn nor a star from each horn. On the contrary, it has a horn." The star has a heart and inside it is fire, snow, air and dust. Its tail grows as long as it can. When the dawn comes, its beginning ends and it shines as if it were a big ring, as if the sun had risen in the night sky, then it returns to its own circle and then comes torment and many deaths, to those who do good. goodness, evil to those who do evil.”

With this narration attributed to him, Imam Ali (ra) stated in his famous Al-Bayan (Albayan) Sermon in the Kufa Mosque: "The signs of the comet are as follows: It is similar to a comet that appears after the end of two-thirds of every ten years, and it is like a comet that appears after the end of two-thirds of every century." It is not like a comet, but it is the star of all ages. It has features until it appears in the form of a collar or collar, with a heart inside, fire, snow, air and dust, flowing as fast as the dawn, and as fast as it emerges from the light of the sun after dawn. The ends of the bracelet are close to each other. and it emits light at night, then it turns to the place where it started to return again, and the consequences of its emergence cause the destruction and death of many people, that is, the outbreak of wars and the occurrence of calamities that cause the death of many sinful people, and the disasters lead to the salvation of believers and good people."

Khumry people write about earlier Nibiru transit

"The wrath of the celestial beast [the Destroyer] was unleashed in the Heavens. Roaring like a thousand thunders, he spewed fire with fiery fury; He poured fiery destruction amidst a thick fountain of black blood. So terrible was it that memory was mercifully separated from man, his thoughts drowned under a cloud of forgetfulness ... Man survived, but he was not the same. The sun was not the same and a moon was taken away. He looked up at the sky above, afraid. The calm sky held a terrible secret.”

Bible: New Century version

"Disasters will soon spread from nation to nation. They will come like a mighty storm to all the distant places on the earth... the destroyer will come to every town, not a single town will escape... God said it would happen." Jeremiah 25:32 & 48:8

What did we take into account in our work and prepare the OBA organization?

1. Magnetism in Seas and Lands

2. Critical and Ignored Fault Lines, Megatronic Earthquakes

3. Electromagnetic Gravity of Areas with Metal Mines and Meteors

4. Dam Lakes and Possible Failure Scenarios

5. Volcanism Movements and Lava Flow Paths

6. Flooded Roads and Retreat Plans from Water Areas

7. Places with Potable Water and Areas with Arable Areas

8. Places with Thirst and Drought

9. Possible Collapse of Municipal Services

10. Possible Collapse of State Services and Failure to Realize Rescue Activities

11. Finding Edible Plants and Wild Animal Areas / Hunting Grounds

12. Possibility of Mountain Collapse, Landslides and Landslides

13. Soil Quality Against Electromagnetic Waves and Cosmic Frequencies

14. Possibility of Tsunamis that may penetrate 6-7 km inland

15. Possibility of Flooding up to 200 km from the Sea and Related Maps

What issues do we pay attention to?

1. Timing and Timely Action

2. Identifying Road Routes That Will Be Open

3. Information, Camping Materials, Analysis, Tools and Equipment Supply

4. Participation in Oba Organization to Be in Unity

5. Acting with a Wise Guide

On what issues will the tasks be distributed in the camps?

It is not possible to do all this alone or with your family.


Camping Area Detection and Establishment

Security Measures

Food-Beverage / Supply and Production


Shelter Preparation

Health Affairs


Proportion of Survivors of All Types of Disasters:

People Animals Plants

Minor Severe 70%+ 80%+ 75%+

Moderate Severe 50-70% 40-65% 45-60%

Major Severe 30-50% 20-40% 30-45%

Mega 5%- 2%- 10%-

* Animals and plants are greatly affected by factors such as magnetism changes and electrical discharges that occur during disasters and catastrophes.

Average degree of impact from earthquakes in the Epicenter region:

M5+ M6+ M7+ M8+ M9+ M10+

High-Rise Building 80%+ 70%+ 50%+ 35%+ 20%+ 10%-

Low-Rise Building 90%+ 80%+ 65%+ 45%+ 30%+ 20%-

Exterior 1 High Building 90%+ 80%+ 70%+ 55%+ 40%+ 20%-

Exterior 1 Low-Rise Building 95%+ 85%+ 75%+ 65%+ 55%+ 30%+

Exterior 2 High Buildings 95%+ 90%+ 80%+ 65%+ 50%+ 35%+

Exterior 2 Low-Rise Buildings 100% 95%+ 90%+ 75%+ 65%+ 45%+

* As you move away from the Central Base, i.e. move to the Outer Region, the impact from disasters decreases.

If you look at how disaster survivors survive:

Self Environment Rescue Teams

Earthquakes 46% 52% 2%

Floods 68% 24% 8%

Tsunamis 75% 20% 5%

Volcanic Movements 80% 20% 0%

Main types of trauma experienced by those who died in disasters / average:

Internal bleeding due to impact 32%

Object fall 26%

Object impalement 9%

Internal bleeding/blood loss 11%

Thirst 16%

Throwing yourself out of a place / panic 4%

Apart from physical traumas, there are traumas that plague people; These are evaluated according to their probability of occurring during disasters and catastrophes. It is the answer to the question of how many of the 100 disasters and catastrophes occurred. The number of cases and casualties should be considered as a separate subject of investigation.

Public order problems * 26%

Organ theft ** 11%

idnapping of children and women *** 8%

* It may not be available everywhere and at all times. However, in some countries, looters and robbers can threaten people's lives.

** Organ traffickers take advantage of major disasters to steal and sell people's organs, disregarding their lives.

*** Those who traffic in children and women can use major disasters as an opportunity.

Types of trauma experienced by disaster survivors:

Psychological problems / Post-traumatic disorder

Kidney failure/dehydration


Cardiovascular problems

Lung problems

Bacterial and parasitic infections

Insulin problems

The biggest problems of the survivors:

Not knowing where to go

Other types of disasters and catastrophes triggered

Aftershocks and disasters

Lack of camping equipment

Lack of tools

No one to guide

Failure of rescue teams to intervene

Failure of disaster recovery plans

Reactions of people during disasters:

Panic attacks and irrational movements

Being stuck / not being able to think clearly

inability to breathe

Trying to communicate / Communication infrastructure collapses during disasters

Asking for help / How should anyone help tens of thousands of people during disasters?

What is not done to protect and recover from Disasters and Disasters:

Not knowing how to escape

Failure to make basic preparations *

Failure to prepare and take precautions **

Not having any tools ***

Not having a sane guide and leader

I don't know first aid

* Failure to prepare supplies such as disaster and disaster kits, food and water for 3 days.

** Not obtaining special information about disasters and disasters and not participating in unity structures (such as oba).

*** Lack of tools such as jacks, tow ropes, ropes, wedges, wrenches, pliers, crowbars and pulley systems, which are very necessary during rescue or escape, is a huge problem.

People's chances of survival according to various situations:

Great Disasters Coming of Nibiru

Those caught suddenly at their homes in cities: 60% - 10% -

Those caught prepared at home in cities 70% - 15% -

Those caught suddenly in their homes in rural areas 70% - 20% -

Those caught prepared at home in rural areas 80% - 25% -

Those caught in camp / camp structures * 80%+ 80%+

* Environmental observation and timely action are factors in this.

Why are there more chances of salvation in the camps?

Alone / With Family With Oba Structure

Crisis Management Skill 10%- 80%+

Ability to Manage People Around Him 3%- 90%+

Organization and Division of Labor Ability 5%- 80%+

Implementation of Security Measures 2%- 90%+

Effort to Build Shelter 0% 90%+

Tool Usage Ability 5%- 80%+

Different Professional Needs * 2%- 90%+

Socialization and Communication 10%- 90%+

Receiving 1%- 80%+

Finding Food and Beverages 5%- 80%+

New Settlement Creation After Disaster 10%- 80%+

Development of Production and Trade 10%- 80%+

* Doctor, Agricultural Engineer, Biologist, Educator, Builder, Surviving Knowledgeable, Imam / Clergyman, Craftsman, Handyman, Traditional Healer, etc. Bringing together people with many professional and special interests and benefiting from their services.

Possibility of people being affected by major disasters and problems when Nibiru comes:

In the City In the Camp / Oba

Logistics Problem and Food and Beverage Supply 95%+ 40%-

Suspension of Municipal Services 100% 10%-

Suspension of Government Services 100% 10%-

Increase in Epidemic Diseases (such as Plague) 80%+ 5%-

Increase in Pests 80%+ 2%-

Wild Animal Attacks 60%+ 10%-

Meteor and Fireball Shooting 90%+ 10%-

Drinking and Cleaning Water Supply 90%+ 20%-

Demolition of Buildings and Housing Problem 85%+ 0%

* Tankers, wells and pumps can function, at least partially, in water supply.

Oba / Kamp structures today:

There are very few participants in the Turkish World. We would expect more people to participate. Most of them are people who we hired without expecting anything in return and who are experts in their professional fields. We recruited people who we believed would make great contributions to others in the life of the tribe.

Participant Preparation Level


Kun-Bil Community Camps 2.5 m + A+++

Türkütopya Gökoba Camps 1000 + A+

Mass Demand Installation (10 People Combined) Camps 2500 + A+

Disaster Plan City Private Camps 4000 + B++

Türkütopya VIP Camps 3000 + A+

Türkütopya Türkiye Camps 40000 + B+

Türkütopia Turan Camps 10000 + K+

Türkütopia World Camps 25000 + B++

Turkutopia Arab Camps 8000 + B++

Preparation by expenses:

Those Who Built Their Own Advanced Shelter $ 5 Million +

Those Who Build Their Own Mid-Level Shelter $ 100000 - $2 million

Those who build their own simple shelter: $ 30000 - 100000 dollars

Those who make serious preparations at home: $ 10000 - 30000

Those who make preparations for camps * $ 5000 - 20000

* Those who prepare for the camps pay a very small fee for information and participation in the camps (such as 1 book $ 10-20, 1 document $ 5-10), but camping equipment, mountaineering materials, tools, caravan (optional), solar energy. panels, etc. They pay for the actual expenses for their purchases. Information is the least valuable thing for our people, but in reality it is the opposite. Since our nation always waits for the last moment, it causes great trouble when they try to allocate expenses all at once instead of distributing them over the years. The figure given here is the cost including information and camp participation, which normally should be spread over at least 2-3 years, and on average 5-10 years. You also have to think about the huge price hikes on everything in the last few years. While 300 watt solar energy panel was $ 300 a year ago, it has now exceeded min $ 500. While the 5-season camping tent was $ 100 a year ago, it has now exceeded $ 300. While a camping knife or camping ax was around $ 10-15 a year ago, it has now reached $ 50. These will increase even more next year.


3 camp area organizations were created for people who will set out and escape from New York when the day comes. Maps of all 3 camps will be given to the participants. Participants are free to go wherever they want. Such a structure is essential for a city with a population of more than 15 million. Because many parts of New York are not safe. We marked a few narrow areas on our map in case of sudden capture. However, before major disasters become severe, these places should be abandoned and travel to safe areas in Safe Camp Areas and especially planned oba / camp areas should be ensured.

Its difference from other oba structures; Participation in this camp organization will be possible with the completion of the Disaster Plan study. These camps will function without causing swelling and overload in other oba areas. Thus, people will be able to move much faster and more practically.


These are Chaotic Disaster Emergency Camping Areas planned to be organized in certain cities of USA. Camping areas are not planned in all cities. You can see which cities are considering camping areas from the "locations of camps" list on this page. You can choose one or several campsites closest to you. Please also take a look at the General Information page. If you know what to do and have decided, you can send your information directly to the e-mail address If you want us to call you and provide participation information, fill out the Pre-Application Form. In order not to waste time, "What is oba?" Do not ask questions about the style of explanation from scratch. There is detailed information on this website and our Atalaryolu website. There are also promotional videos on our Youtube Channel. See also the Blog areas of our websites.


The applicant is called a “participant” and the people he brings with him are called “stakeholders.”

You can bring a total of 10 people with you, including a maximum of 10 people who are your first-degree relatives and a maximum of 3 people who are your close friends, that is, you can make them your stakeholders. If you want to bring 3 close friends, then you can bring 7 first-degree relatives. For every request exceeding 10 people, a new camp participation must be completed.


Oba participation is valid for life. Anyone who has his/her own ID, password and calling code can join the tribe at any time in life.


Basically, we cannot go to camp meeting areas whenever we want. Our goal is to take action in the event of large-scale Disasters and Disasters. When you go to Oba gathering areas, do not explain to others by using the words "oba" and "camp". Do not trust anyone and give out your personal information and be very careful about your privacy. You don't need to ask anyone else "should I go or not?"

Situations like these should prompt you to take action:

1. Very large earthquakes

2. Massive volcanic movements

3. Crazy situations that throw people into chaos

4. Nibiru begins its conjunction with Earth

5. Civil unrest

6. Wars


1. Yellow Alarm: It is valid when the signs that the event will occur become evident. Prepare your backpacks and expect action at any moment.

2. Red Alarm: If the incident has occurred or if there is a strong possibility that it will occur, take action and reach the camp assembly area.

3. Black Alarm: The incident has started and its large-scale effects have been seen. Unite with other people at the Oba gathering area and start working on the campsite.


If 10 participants come together and apply, a special camp area can be created for them. A total of 100+10=110 people, each of whom will be stakeholders, meet in the same camp.


1. First of all, read what we say on our social media areas and websites and get informed. Those who are not informed are not taken into consideration.

2. After understanding what Camps are, contact Ertuğrul Bey via Telegram. Write your Telegram profile name and surname properly and correctly. Otherwise you will not be answered. You need to make a phone call to Mr. Ertuğrul, introduce yourself and convey your request. None of your information is shared with others.

a. Your name and surname

b. Where do you live

c. Your age and job

ç. Purpose of your communication

D. Your phone number and e-mail address

You must write clearly in your first communication with Telegram.

3. If your participation is approved, links containing OBA maps and documents will be sent to you via Telegram or e-mail.

4. In order to receive your ID, password and call code information for you and the people who will be with you, you will need to send us the following:

- Head photograph of each person for whom you will receive an ID + the name and surname of the owner of each photograph.

5. Your IDs, passwords and calling codes will be sent to you.

6. Thus, your oba participation will be completed. You can transfer everything you buy to your mobile phone, computer, cloud space, etc. Back up at least 3 places. You must download what we send within 15 days. We will not share these again and again.

7. You must print out your IDs, passwords and callsigns. You can also print out any of the documents we send you. Do not share these with others or leave them in plain sight.

8. Read the "Rules" page on this website and act in accordance with the rules.

The corpus you will receive:

You will receive a fairly extensive set of publications. You will receive 3 maps and information about L9 Clans. You will not have anything to do with the previous tribes and other current camps, but you can meet, get to know each other and cooperate in the camp areas over time.


We did not plan the Oba areas as places of escape. There are around 200 types of Disasters and Disasters that we have identified that can occur naturally, through the sky and through human hands. You cannot expect a single study to be sufficient against all this. Economic, social, humanity, etc. Our camps are not places where people can escape due to their problems. However, even if you move to camps due to such situations, never share your information and documents regarding camps with others. Do not say naive words such as "We came to camp / camp". We created the OBA organization for times of chaotic disasters. It's not for those who are bored to go and settle there. After people gather in these areas, they make their own decisions and can act according to current conditions, as they also elect their leaders. We cannot interfere with it. The main purpose of our study is; To produce alternative solutions against Disasters and Disasters that will create a chaotic environment and bring destruction. The decisions people make on private and personal matters are binding on them. Then the maps and documents related to the tribes should be protected and their discovery by others should be prevented. These are your personal security and emergency risk assessment studies.


You can obtain these separately. It is not included in Oba packages.


We determine the route for your escape from the city you live in to 3 alternative cities. This makes it easier for you to make decisions and take action based on current conditions and observations. We direct you to special places in Safe Areas in 3 alternative cities. Separate studies can be done for more than one member of your family.

a. Movement planning from a single point

b. Two point movement

c. three point movement


We determine routes for your relatives in different cities to reach your safe area in a single Safe Area.

a. Movement from a single city to a single designated area

b. Two-point movement planning

c. Three-point movement planning


These are studies to determine the safest areas in your geographical region.


You can receive consultancy on topics such as "End Times", "Disasters and Disasters", "Nibiru", "Oba Life (General)", so that you can personally prepare for difficult times. Separate Consultancies are provided on separate topics.


If you want to settle somewhere as we recommend, you can find out whether it is in a Safe Area and what its status is against various Disasters.


If you have a place of your own, you can find out whether it is within the Safe Area, possible risks, and what you can do when major disasters occur.

Possible Dangers When Large and Chaotic Disasters Occur

With the work we do, we are considering measures against as many problems as we can. However, our main goal is to "save people's lives". If people act step by step and quickly, they can accomplish many more tasks in a short time. They can only achieve this by working on their own Disaster Plan. Gaining information is the majority of this job. You can't do anything without information. In fact, without knowledge you don't even have hope. If you consume your resources for daily pleasure and desire to buy goods instead of making preparations, you should not make excuses for anyone when you are in bad conditions. You should think about yourself first. Others can only heal your wounds if they can reach you in a timely and effective manner.

1. Aftershocks and Other Disasters

2. Robbers and Looters

3. Organ Mafia and Child Kidnappers

4. Natural Gas Facility and Line Explosions

5. The State's Failure to Reach Millions of People

6. Not Having People to Trust

7. Not Knowing the Safer Areas of the City

8. Not Having a Goal During a Disaster and Not Knowing What to Do

9. Lack of Food and Clean Water

Tariq / Nibiru Star Arrival Process

Some of his names are: Tariq, Nibiru, Red Nemesis, Red Kachina, Coatzelcoatel, Hercolubus, Wormwood, Star of Jesus, Star of Jacob, Red Dragon, Second Sun, Planet 9, Planet 10, Planet 11, Planet 12, Planet X, Barnard's Star, Star of Baal, Hubarrko, Tyche, Elenin, Planet Sijil, Saqar, Dragao Vermelho, Phoenix, Transition Planet, Saquasihah, Sky Serpent, Destroyer, Phaeton, Typhon..

In geological history research, "stress and change" has been observed within soil layers every 3500 years. Changes in the shape of the soil, vitrification of the soil, dimensional differences in the formation layers of the soil, petro-oil rains coming from the sky, and iron oxide dust piles have been found. You can say; "It may have happened in some places, but it did not happen everywhere". In the studies carried out in 7-8 different geographical areas, it was determined that the same types of soil stresses occurred. Moreover, in those times, petroleum or petro-oils were not used. The only thing that can create a rain-like appearance on the ground and create traces up to several meters in length is that they have come from the sky.

It is difficult to summarize 3 years of in-depth research and 2 TB of data. However, I have compiled the most important parts for you. I thought that when you read the article, you might want to learn something about the destructive planet that we will encounter in a few years, and if you are even a little smart, you might make an effort to obtain more information and prepare. Life has never been static and this mediocre lifestyle will not last forever. The world is in constant turnover. A new lineage of Adam (the last remaining humans) every 100,000 years, several major floods every 50-70000 years, an ice age every 10-20000 years, destruction with the arrival of Nibiru every 3500 years, every 1000 years A war or flood that will shake the world, a global war every 300 years, an event that will shake the world every 100 years, and an event that will shake the world every 30 years. If you do some research in the History of Geology, World History and History of Religions and analyze your information to the whole, these will begin to appear before you. If you confuse history with just studying pottery and believing that everything is random, what you get is just a bunch of nonsense. History is the science that directs the future of the nation. A person who does not know his True History and does not protect it cannot have a future.


Development Process of Disasters

Most disasters actually occur with some indicator parameters. When you follow these, you can at least have time to take action to save your life.

Pre-Disaster Indicators: These are guided by indicators such as the End Times issues described in the Hadiths, data obtained from applications such as Windy, data of nature and disaster monitoring stations and centers in foreign countries, data of people examining and monitoring astronomical and geological events, monitoring of current weather and land movements. At the same time, it is necessary not to live in very tall buildings and, if possible, to live in rural areas, to make a disaster plan in advance, to obtain information about disasters in advance, to know safe places and camping areas to go in times of disaster, to make an escape plan from cities in advance, to research possible dangers in advance and to consider precautions with maps. If there is a disaster with a large and predictable initial adventure, it will make a huge difference if people take action and throw themselves to safe areas in case of a possible danger or just before.

Disaster Time Indicators: It is important to know what to do when a disaster begins, and it is necessary to have knowledge in order to overcome the first traumatic situations calmly. Generally, when a disaster begins, it is thought that everything will be over within the first half minute. It is necessary to take some of the belongings and gather the family members, as there was no preparation beforehand. Meanwhile, aftershocks and different successors of disasters begin to occur. It starts with earthquakes, continues with landslides or big explosions. As soon as a disaster strikes, you must take action on what you need to do and where you need to go. Family members should also go there. It is important to remember that there are people who died while searching for their family members.

Post-Disaster Indicators: After the first pains of disasters seem to pass, others may emerge. For example, tsunamis occur after earthquakes. Like the explosion of chemical plants and natural gas lines after the first disasters. Some of these are predictable and some develop into surprises. Surprise developments such as gas leaks from chemical plants or radioactive leaks from nuclear facilities can be much more troubling. It would be most logical to move to a safe area, taking into account the dangers in the region where you live, such as industry, natural gas, chemical, treatment facilities, electricity transfer and transformer centers, places where high voltage lines pass, and forests with trees that are very suitable for burning (such as pine). It would be best not to go to random places. For example; Asteroids and meteors containing iron and iron oxide dust may come to Earth from the tails of an iron-based star. If you go to an area with high magnetism and/or metal mines, you will be exposed to dangers that may come from the sky. You can't even breathe. If there are dam lakes and rivers in the area you are going to, you may have to struggle with water during disasters. Therefore, the work of the safe area where you will go after the disaster should be done in advance. You should plan your actions by looking at environmental changes and developments after the disaster.

Survival and Naval First Aid Bag - IFAK

Turktopia Society

It is planning some civil works for today and the future to strengthen the Turkish nation, state and homeland and extend it into the future. Even if this is the intention, it may become active as a result of conscious people embracing them. Nowadays, the number of such conscious people is very small. Maybe it will be useful for future generations.

It is one of the studies that we want to create the infrastructure for, but people do not care enough about. We want people who can show solidarity in cities and districts to come together under all kinds of difficult conditions. In order for this structure to be active, there is a need for leader people who can take responsibility and manage their community. We cannot establish and manage solidarity communities throughout the country. It is essential that the people of the region are active in this regard.

1. Future Project for Turks: It includes studies on fighting for the security, well-being and unity of Turks in the End Times. In this context;

a. Identification of Safe Areas Against Disasters and Disasters

b. Oba / Camp Buildings Organization for Spending Difficult Times Together

c. Personal and Group Escape Planning from Cities in Disasters and Disasters

d. Creating Survival Information in Nature and Harsh Conditions

e. Collecting and Evaluating the Information Required in the Arrival Process of Tarık Yıldızı

f. Preparing for Challenging Times with City Solidarity Communities

2. Turks for the Future Project: It includes efforts to ensure the integrity of faith, reason, ideals and science, which come from the ancestors of the Turks and extend to the future. In this context;

a. Teaching Turkish National, Spiritual and Religious Values to Our Nation

b. Revealing the Teachings of True Islam

c. Eliminating the Mental Confusion of Our People and Gaining the Awareness of Being a Nation

d. Showing the True Faces of Perverted and Evil Scientific and Religious Movements

e. Making Access to Accurate and Useful Information Possible for Turks

f. Fighting the Degeneration of Knowledge and Culture

g. Ensuring Real Turkish History is Learned and Taught

Turkish Preppers Community

It is a structure that appeals to more than 5 million people in 44 countries. There are also infrastructures. However, people are not very diligent in this regard. We have a nation that takes action only when the last moment comes. If only they could see that last moment...

a. Preparing for Bad Times within the Framework of BAT Publications and Oba Structures

b. Planning the Theoretical and Practical Training of Prepppers on Surviving

c. Evaluation of Collaborations in the Context of Preparationism



Disaster Safety Studies in Major Turkish Cities

Samsun Disaster Safety Analysis and Personal Disaster Action Planning

Danger Level: SB8, D8+, N10, G: 90%

Update: 01/10/2023

Service and Publication Code: BAT-TR55AP-2304V2-6949

How much do our studies increase your chances?

No one can do anything against sudden Disasters and Disasters. However, big problems will await those who survive disasters and catastrophes. With Knowledge and Unity, these can be overcome and people can protect themselves.

Without Prior Monitoring the Development Process of Disasters: 60%

By Following the Development Process of Disasters in Advance: 100%

Without Following Nibiru's Advent Process: 50%

By Following Nibiru's Arrival Process: 100%

Management and Leadership Structures:

Turktopia Community City President: Akçaağaç 16

Turkutopia Society Women's Branch City President: Yıldırım 16

Türkütopia Community Youth Branch City President: Aslan 16

Türkütopya Disaster City Chief Advisor: Red Lake 16

Türkütopya Disaster City Coordination Consultant: Toprak 16

Türkütopya Turkish Preparators Community City President: Mavi Gök 16

President of Turkutopia City Solidarity Group: İğde Ağaç 16

Turkotopia World Conservation Alliance SİP City President: Gezen Bulut 16


Addressed Income Level: Good

Content: Documents, Maps, Consultancy, Must-Buy List

Working Type: Personal

Average Delivery Time: 15 days

Contract Type: BAT-WLAINT19



I. Basic Preparedness Information: It covers the information and services you will receive within the DISASTER PLAN.

- Mersin Disaster Analysis Report / Document

- 1 Hour Consultancy: Maximum 10 Questions

- List of Camping Equipment to Buy

If additional consultancy is required, an "Additional" consultancy of 1 hour can be requested.


II. Plus Preparation Information: Includes additional information and services you can receive.

- Camping + Mountaineering Equipment List

- Camping + Surviving + IFAK + Health + Bushcraft / Woodcraft + Mountaineering Equipment List

III. Becoming a Super Prepper: Although Preppers will be nomads, you can safely consider your preparations as a partial settlement for some comfort.

- Settlement in Safe Area: Land Purchase + Container House + Underground Shelter

- All Preparedness Supplies for Your Place: Full Capacity Sufficient Materials for Difficult Times, Tools, Food Stock, Solar Panels and Wind Energy Turbines, Off-Grid Living Supplies

- Garden: All the Vegetables, Flowers and Animals Essential for Off-Grid Living

- Defense Training from Experts: Personal and Regional Defense Lessons from Authorized Persons, Material Requirements, Environmental Preparations



These will make your preparations even stronger. You won't waste your time researching and seeking advice from other people. You can review our publications and services on BAT Publications, Türkütopya Obaları websites or on our main website, Atalaryolu. You can send us the questions you want to ask.

1. Documents: Includes indispensable documents for preppers.

- Surviving: Wilderness Survival Documents

- IFAK and First Aid: Documents on First Aid in Difficult Conditions

- Safe Area City Maps: Maps Showing the Safe Areas of 81 Provinces

- Health Folder: Folder Containing Research Documents on Health

- Surviving Folder for the Unprepared: Folder of Documents Prepared for the Unprepared

- Supporting Documents and Map Sets: Contains Many Important Materials

- Telegram Archive Group: Archive with Thousands of Videos and Documents for Preparators

2. Escape Plans from the City in Disasters: Escape directions are determined within the scope of the Technical Issues Examined. The areas you will go in the escape direction are shown on the maps.

City Escape Plan: Document + Map

City Escape Plan Number of Destinations: Maximum 2 or 3

3. Personal Safe Place Detection:

- Examination of Your Location: Your House, Your Village, Your Mountain House, Your Garden, Your Workplace, etc. Analyzing According to Disaster and Disaster Situation - Basic Functions (For Detailed Functions, Service is Obtained from USA, Russia, England, Germany and It is Expensive)

- How We Find a Place for You: Determining the 3 Most Possible and Best Locations for You in Safe Areas

4. Participation in Clans:

By joining the Oba organization, you can act in solidarity with other people. You can get more detailed information on our website called Türkütopya Obaları.



If you are not informed about the work we have been doing for 3 years and want to reach results in a practical way, you can obtain it from our written publications. This way, you do not waste time and you can prepare your information in a practical way for chaotic times. Take the publications and set them aside. When the day comes, you will automatically figure out how to use them in the circumstances you are in. Leave the contents of the packages to us and you'll get even more than the best documents you can get. Rather than drowning in questions in your mind, you need to find solutions.

Entry Level Package: Get the most essential basic documents.

Intermediate Package: Prepare for challenging conditions with better and alternative ways.

Premium Package: Increase solution possibilities and get the most.



If you want to act quickly and quickly as a prepared person, get ready for adverse conditions in a short time by purchasing one of the packages here.

Must-Have Basic Package: Get the documents everyone should have for top-level mobility. Also join camps, get consultancy and special service.

I Take Responsibility Package: Obtain the documents you need to adapt to extraordinary circumstances to act at a high level. Also join camps, get consultancy and special service.

I'm an Active Prepper Package: Get the documentation you need to move at a high level, adapt to extraordinary conditions, and prepare specifically for Nibiru. Also join camps, get consultancy and special service.

Complete Readiness Package: Get the documents you need to move at a higher level, adapt to extraordinary conditions, and prepare specifically for Nibiru. Also join VIP camps, get consultancy and special service. Also get information support when purchasing materials.



We carry out Security Research and Strategic Analyzes against natural, celestial and human-made disasters and disasters that have occurred and are likely to occur in Turkey and the world. These studies have been presented to 44 countries of the world for 3 years. Most of the work is carried out in the cities of Budapest and Astana. Specific to the Turkish World, basic studies are presented in line with the BAT initiative. Our work is of two types: "Generally Usable" and "Personalized". Although the Turkish World is relatively irrelevant, the studies have been delivered to approximately 20 million Turks in different parts of the world to date. Our work is in the form of "Digital Publication (PDF, Word, etc.)" and "Consultancy".

Disaster Plan Studies: We carry out special disaster safety risk analyses, especially for large cities that are at very high disaster risk. These are sent to you as documents. You can use the reviews and information to make your own decisions. We do not reveal unknown and secret information in our studies, we contribute to deepening your own research and thoughts by revealing purely scientific and religious facts. You cannot expect everyone's level of intelligence, knowledge and culture to be the same. Even the most intelligent and cultured people can forget a lot of information within a certain period of time. When they pass over it, they remember it again and can even capture angles they could not see before. Even though you know the basic information, we also show you many topics that you do not know or that are overlooked. Thus, we expand your perspective. If you don't do this, you will remain captive in the life you focus on only. When major disasters and calamities reach you, you will be left with regret.

Escape Plans from Cities in Times of Disaster: It is a map, planning and coordination study on escaping to predetermined Safe Areas (according to various scientific criteria) just before or after disasters begin. It is aimed to ensure your life safety and to be in solidarity with people you can trust by meeting in common areas. You can have studies done separately for one person or for members of your family. You can get one or both of the following and make your own preparation:

1. Basic Release Sets

2. Personalized Plans

Oba / Camp Participation: When major disasters occur, the first thing you think about is saving your life, the second is finding a place to stay and meeting your needs, and the third is ensuring your safety. In times of great disasters and catastrophes, you will encounter successive destructions. Like aftershocks. That's why you can't stay where you are. At the same time, when destruction occurs, looters, wild animals, malicious people (organ mafia, child kidnappers, murderers, etc.) may also appear, which is within the realm of possibility. It is vital to find people you can trust and build solidarity with. In order not to be miserable and to protect themselves in such bad times, more than 100 million people in the world have become Preppers. These are prepared consciously and systematically. Additionally, more than 700 million people are partial Preppers, either through hoarding or as a precaution. More than 50 million rich people in different parts of the world have "Doomsday Shelters". There are more than 50,000 rich people in our country who have built such shelters. The methods used today for such situations are as follows:

1. Building a shelter: It is an approach that is very expensive and requires constant maintenance, stocking and monitoring. The shelter in the form of a small and completely empty room starts from 30000 Euros. You would need to spend more than 100000 Euros for an average to entry-level shelter, including the stocks you will put in it. It is not possible for everyone to do such things.

2. City defense line: People accumulate supplies and food in the basements of their own houses. However, they are a little more disciplined and devote themselves to City Preparation. Usually people in foreign countries do it. It is extremely unwise for people to prepare for chaotic disasters in their own homes. Because if you stay in settlements when major and chaotic disasters strike, you will be left in filth and hunger as soon as municipal services and logistics stop.

3. Escaping to the countryside: There are people who leave city life and flee to the countryside. However, just being in the countryside will not save you when preparing for major disasters and calamities. It is necessary to carry out Geological and Soil analyzes of the place, look at its safety against possible disasters, and examine the traces of past geological history. We think that escaping to the countryside alone is not enough. Because if you are in the wrong place, all kinds of disasters will find you there too.

4. Oba / camp organization: It is the nomadic way of Turkish ancestors. In times of great disasters and catastrophes, our ancestors took their tents and went to the countryside. We thought about the same logic and thought about organizing and coordinating people in this context. If we tried to establish an Oba facility, we would probably ask for millions of TL. However, it made much more sense to organize an organization that brings together people who can only rely on each other when bad times come. Because our nation cannot organize without coming together and fighting. That's why we did this job. People will know where to go when bad times come, and there they will make their own decisions and find a campsite. Since they will already be in the Safe Area, the place they will find will be an empty area. A temporary camp will be established. When bad times pass, they can still stay together and build a village for themselves, or return to their old places, depending on the new conditions. We marked the assembly areas for the camp on the maps. There are also documents containing information about camp life and documents on camping, first aid and survival. We provide IDs, passwords and call codes so that people can recognize each other in camping areas. They will be able to make radio calls with the callsign. It is not a professional radio contact code. The state gives it. This is just to say "I am also one of you, where are you?" The identity card is also a simple identification card. Everything is delivered to you via email. You can print whatever you want and save it. Think of it as a Club activity. You can also be given an ID and password in clubs. We do not issue official identity cards; the state also issues them. We have created a sustainable system that everyone can participate in. Since we would be nomads anyway, we did not focus on the idea of settling somewhere and establishing a facility. So far, more than 5 million people have joined camps in 44 countries. It's nice to see that we can progress like this without fighting.


Disaster Risk Management

A. Preparations to be Made by the State: States make evaluations according to their own way of thinking and the structure of their countries.

B. Preparations to be Made by People: People must make some preparations in order to protect the lives of themselves and their families. If you leave everything to others and the state in the field of Disaster Risk, you may not have any support during chaotic disasters. Because there is no state that can take care of millions of people at the same time. Insurance money received has no meaning after people die or lose a limb.

1. Pre-Disaster Preparations:

a. Getting information

b. Building a Community of Collaboration and Readiness

c. Purchasing Camping Equipment

2. What to do if it feels like a disaster is about to happen:

a. Gathering Camping Equipment

b. Going to the Safe Area or Oba Area

c. Ensuring Security by Establishing a Camp

3. What to Do After a Disaster Occurs:

a. Establishing Local Solidarity and Trust Teams

b. Safely Taking the Belongings from the Settlement to the Camping Area in Case of Destruction

c. Going to the Camping Area and Ensuring Settlement and Security



Even though search and rescue activities are carried out by AFAD, in major earthquakes, as seen in past examples, the first rescuers after disasters, especially after earthquakes, are the local people themselves. Therefore, since it takes time for professional teams to arrive and intervene, the most important point, which saves lives in disasters, is the intervention of local people or people who are not affected by the disaster. There are statistics about this. Families save 32 percent of people affected by the disaster. Neighbors save 28 percent, professional teams save only 2 percent. Therefore, we need to do this work for the whole society in order to be ready for disaster. Especially in the first intervention phase, it is much more important for the public to be aware of this issue and their intervention in the work to be done within 72 hours. So, when it comes to disasters, what is really important and valid is how much you educate yourself and how prepared you are for disasters. People forget that state institutions and aid teams also suffer from the same disasters. Therefore, we need to pay attention to certain stages and environmental indicators within the framework of Personal Disaster Risk Analysis and Personal Preparedness for Disasters. Without these, people wouldn't have a chance and would be left alone when a disaster occurs.

  1. Having general information about disasters

  2. Have general knowledge of disaster preparedness

  3. Having security analyzes of your own geographical region and city against disasters

  4. Observing the conditions and developments of disasters

  5. Making plans to take action before disasters occur

  6. Taking action when disasters occur and making a plan to escape from the danger zone

  7. Organizing meetings and camping with people you can trust during disasters (like our camp structure)

  8. Creating local teams that will be in solidarity during disasters

Our publications, research, analysis and organizations on most of these will meet your needs. Since 2019, we have been working on current disasters and catastrophes, as well as the arrival of Nibiru / Tarık Star. We do these according to many different branches of science and religious knowledge. There is a lot of information about the End Times in Hadiths, Sermons and religious narratives. At the same time, we have been given information about branches of science such as Geology, Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Chemistry, Volcanology and Seismology. In addition, our Geological, Seismological, Volcanism and Astronomical observations have been continuing for 3 years. Both BAT and its Team continue many researches on this subject in different languages.

Real Floods will be done in 2000s

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