How much does our work increase your chances?
No one can do anything against sudden Disasters and Catastrophes. However, for the survivors of Disasters and Disasters, big problems will be waiting for themselves. With Knowledge and Unity, these can be overcome, people can be able to protect themselves.
Without Following the Development Process of Disasters in Advance: 60%
By Following the Development Process of Disasters in Advance: 100%
Without Tracking the Process of Nibiru's Arrival: 50%
Following the Process of Nibiru's Arrival: 100%
Management and Leadership Structures:
Turkutopia Society City President: Akçağaç
Turkutopia Society Women's Branch City President: Yildirim
Turkutopia Society Youth Branch City Chairman: Aslan
Turkutopia Disaster City Chief Consultant: Kızıl Göl
Turkutopia Disaster City Coordination Consultant: Toprak
Turkutopia Turkish Preparers Community City President: Mavi Gök
Chairman of the Turkutopia City Solidarity Group: Iğde Ağa
Turkotopia World Conservation Alliance SIP City President: Gezen Bulut
Content: Documents, Maps, Consultation, List of Things to be Taken
Type of Work: Personalized
Average Delivery Time: 15 days
Contract Type: BAT-WLAINT19
I . Basic Preparedness Information: Covers the information and services you will receive within the DISASTER PLAN.
- City Disaster Analysis Report / Document
- 1 Hour Consultation: Maximum 10 Questions
- A List of Camping Equipment that Must be Taken
If additional Consultation is requested, an "Additional" Consultation request can be made for 1 hour each.
II. Plus Preparedness Information: It includes additional information and services that you can receive.
- Camping + Mountaineering Equipment List
- Camping + Survival + IFAK + Health + Bushcraft/Woodcraft + Mountaineering Equipment List
III. Don't Be a Super Preparer: Although the Preparers will be nomadic, you can also safely think of your preparations as a partial settlement in order to be partially comfortable.
- Settlement in a Safe Area: Land Purchase + Container House + Underground Shelter
- All the Preparation Materials for Your Place: Materials, Tools, Food Stock, Solar Panels and Wind Energy Stands, Off-Grid Living Materials that are Sufficient for Full Capacity in Difficult Times
- Garden: All the Vegetables, Flowers and Animals Necessary For Off-Grid Living
- Defense Trainings from Experts: Personal and Regional Defense Lessons from Authorized Persons, Material Requirements, Environmental Preparations
This will make your preparations even more robust. You don't waste your time doing research and seeking advice from other people. You can review our publications and services on BAT Publications, Turkutopia Obaları websites or on Atalaryolu, our main website. You can send us any questions you want to ask.
1. Documents: There are must-have documents for the preparers.
- Surviving: Survival Documents in Nature
- IFAK and First Aid: Documents on First Aid in Difficult Conditions
- Safe Area City Maps: Maps Showing the Safe Areas of 81 Provinces
- Health Folder: Folder containing Research Documents on Health
- Surviving Folder For the Unprepared: Folder of Documents Prepared for Those Who Do Not Prepare
- Supporting Documents and Map Sets: There are Many Important Materials
- Telegram Archive Group: An Archive with Thousands of Videos and Documents for Preparers
2. Escape Plans from the City in Disasters: Escape directions are determined within the scope of the Technical Issues studied. The areas you are going to in the direction of escape are shown on the maps.
Escape Plan from the City: Document + Map
Escape Plan Number of Directions from the City: Up to 2 or 3
3. Personal Safe Place Detection:
- Examination of Your Own Location: Your House, Your Place in your Village, Your Mountain House, Your Garden, Your Workplace, etc. Analysis According to the Disaster and Catastrophe Situation - Basic Functions (For Detailed Functions, Services are Obtained Through the USA, Russia, England, Germany and are Expensive)
- Our Finding a Place For You: Determining the 3 Most Likely and Best Locations, Including In Safe Areas For You
4. Participation in Obas:
By joining the Oba organization, you can act in solidarity with other people. You can get more detailed information via our website called Turkutopia Obaları.
if you do not know about the studies we have been carrying out for 3 years and you want to reach a practical result, you can get it from our written publications. Thus, you will not waste time and you will have prepared your information for chaotic times in a practical way. Take the broadcasts and put them aside. When the day comes, you will decide on your own how to use them in the conditions you are already in. Leave the contents of the packages to us, get even more than the best documents you can get. You need to get your solutions rather than drowning in the questions in your head.
Entry-Level Package: Get the most necessary basic documents.
Intermediate Package: Prepare for harsh conditions in better and alternative ways.
Top-Level Package: Multiply the solution possibilities and get the most.
If you want to take a shortcut and move quickly as a preparer, prepare for adverse conditions in a short time by taking one of the packages here.
The Must-have Basic Package: Get the documents that everyone should have when acting at the top level. Also, join the obas, get counseling, get special services.
I Take Responsibility Package: Get the documents necessary to adapt to extraordinary conditions in acting at a high level. Also, join the obas, get counseling, get special services.
I am an Active Preparer Package: Get the necessary documents for high-level movement, adapting to extraordinary conditions and preparing specifically for Nibiru. Also, join the obas, get counseling, get special services.
I am Completely Ready Package: Get the necessary documents for moving at a high level, adapting to extraordinary conditions and preparing for Nibiru specifically. Also, join VIP obas, get consulting, get special services. Also get information support in purchasing materials.
We didn't want to get into this issue because the cost was high, but we decided to support people by seeing that they needed it in this area. We will take on the role of Consultant and Project Manager. Assessment and location determination will be carried out taking into account BAT Disaster and Catastrophes Risk Analyses and Maps. Shelters will not be built in random places.
The study will be carried out according to how long it is desired to use the shelter for:
3-month accommodation
6-month accommodation
1-year housing
2-year housing
The topics that we will mainly deal with are:
1. Construction of the building
2. Faraday Cage application against EMP (copper coating)
3. Application of protection from nuclear attack (lead coating)
4. The practice of protection from Nibiru (jade stone and energy-frequency-resonance practice)
5. Application of a special protection capsule inside the shelter
6. Indoor gardening application
7. Purchase of the necessary basic tools, tools and equipment
8. Purchase of the necessary basic camping equipment
9. Purchase of the necessary basic mountaineering materials
10. Purchase of the necessary basic food and beverage products
11. Drilling a well for water
12. Taking oxygen sources
13. Taking special precautions for the devastating disasters of Nibiru (especially against heat, frequencies, impacts)
14. Ground survey and safe area assessment of the place where the shelter will be built
15. Natural heat and cooling system 16. The herbalist's room
17. The room of natural healing stones
Types of shelters include:
1. Simple Refuge
2. Food Protection Silo
3. Family Shelter
4. Advanced Level Bunker
As of January 1, 2024, we will not take into consideration the requests from Turkey. For requests that may come from different countries of the world, my Assistants in Turkey will only be able to take part in the information provision part, but requests will be made to my Assistants in different countries. In Turkey, I will only have printed books. You will also be able to buy them from the publisher. Requests from the state levels, the army, NGOs, strategic research institutes, municipalities, local governments, and the media will be decided after a preliminary meeting with my Assistant. Requests related to information, report, disaster plan, latest developments, etc. can be made. Requests that will be received first from the Turkish states and then from other states that we consider reasonable will be evaluated and an appropriate response will be given.