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City Disaster Risk Plan Studies - City Disaster Survival Guides

Yazarın fotoğrafı: BAT-BulentTurgutBAT-BulentTurgut




PUBLICATION NAME: CITY Disaster Risk Plan - CITY Disaster Survival Guide

TYPE OF PUBLICATION: Türkiye's Guide to Disaster Relief are complementary works of our book. 15 Different studies were conducted for 14 Coastal Cities and Hazardous Areas (some cities on the Eastern Anatolian Fault Line). It is a work that should be under the hands of every person in our country. It has high critical importance.




General Information

Basic Scientific Disciplines in Our Studies

Statistical Data


Important Personal Cards

General Information of the City

City Salvation Information

Special Disaster Gathering Areas For The City


I . Flooding Situation

II. Escape Plan from the City

III. Inner-City Meeting Places

IV. Partial Safe Areas of the City

Inside The Disasters


Contact information

Short Biography

Logos of Turkish Preparers

Notes Blank Pages: To take your own notes

Introductory Article

In the era of chaotic disasters and disasters, the biggest blows in Turkey will be taken by the places by the sea and the cities that we define as Dangerous Areas (places where the Eastern Anatolian Fault Line passes). About 40% of the area of Turkey will be flooded, and the places mentioned as Dangerous Areas will be ravaged by megatronic earthquakes. While more than 80% of our country will be ravaged by gigantic disasters and catastrophes, all of it will be destroyed by megatronic earthquakes and electromagnetic waves originating from Cosmic Energy. Turkey has a very beautiful geography and geological structure, but it is dangerous at a high level. The one who says "there is no earthquake there" is wrong.

I have prepared special Disaster Risk Plan studies for 15 cities and Dangerous Areas. Each of these are actually summit studies conducted in this field. Because it includes plans that have been thought out taking into account many factors such as wars, disasters, disasters, the arrival of Nibiru. Ensuring unity and togetherness, joint movement are very important works in the context of creating mobility. In fact, it was created by combining 7-8 different studies. This way, people will not need to look at more than one publication.

1. Adana Disaster Risk Plan - Adana Disaster Survival Guide

2. Mersin Disaster Risk Plan - Mersin Disaster Survival Guide

3. Antalya Disaster Risk Plan - Antalya Disaster Survival Guide

4. Muğla Disaster Risk Plan - Muğla Disaster Survival Guide

5. Izmir Disaster Risk Plan - Izmir Disaster Survival Guide

6. Manisa Disaster Risk Plan - Manisa Disaster Survival Guide

7. Çanakkale Disaster Risk Plan - Çanakkale Disaster Survival Guide

8. Balıkesir Disaster Risk Plan - Balıkesir Disaster Survival Guide

9. Bursa Disaster Risk Plan - Bursa Disaster Survival Guide

10. Istanbul Disaster Risk Plan - Istanbul Disaster Survival Guide

11. Kocaeli Disaster Risk Plan - Kocaeli Disaster Survival Guide

12. Tekirdağ Disaster Risk Plan - Tekirdağ Disaster Survival Guide

13. Samsun Disaster Risk Plan - Samsun Disaster Survival Guide

14. Trabzon Disaster Risk Plan - Trabzon Disaster Survival Guide

15. Hazardous Area Disaster Risk Plan - Survival Guide from Disaster Relief of Hazardous Area



1. Explaining the developments in the world

2. A basic view of the issues of the End Times in religious sources

3. The process of Nibiru's arrival

4. The reasons for people's different and irrelevant perspectives on issues

5. Answers to important questions that stick in the mind

6. The functioning of the End Times process

7. Nibiru in various sources

8. The scientific and scientific (religious sciences) fields that I am interested in in this field are

9. Nibiru's effects on Earth

10. Calendars

11. Basic topics of preparation

12. The paths that people have in the name of salvation in a chaotic era

13. Strategic roadmap for disaster recovery

14. Why people don't believe in Nibiru, the eclipse of reason

15. What are the Turkutopia Obas

16. Disaster Library

17. The sources we follow

18. Basic scientific and religious disciplines in our studies

19. Meteor, Asteroid, Fireball, Comet

20. The structure of Nibiru

21. The rules of Physics of Nibiru's impact on Earth

22. Natural disaster graphs of the World in the last 100 years

23. The state of the magnetosphere

24. Cookies, what do they mean

25. Answers to today's chronic lies

26. Types of disasters and disasters

27. The greatest destroyers of the End Times

28. Today's global risks

29. Important Personal Cards (These are forms for you, your family, and your animals to keep records while preparing for disasters. They are vital at critical times. The forms also include a Tactical Combat Casualty Notification Card and a Health Examination and Intervention Card in Natural Life. They were prepared by me.)


A. General Information of the City

1. Possible dangers of the city

2. Major disasters and catastrophes that have occurred in the city's past

3. What happens if there is an earthquake in the city

B. City Salvation Information

1. BAT Working Dog Tag

2. City Turkutopia Leadership and Management

3. Special oba packages for the city

4. An opportunity for those who want to join Gökoba

C. Disaster Gathering Areas for the City

1. General Information

2. Locations determined by GPS Coordinates

3. Plans of action in chaotic times

4. For example, Oba Protocols (so that everyone can apply them on their own)

5. Lists of preparer needs

6. The importance of the guide in the end times

D. Works

1. Flooding Situation: Answers the question of what will happen to us in the event of flooding

2. Escape Plan from the City: Recommendations on which direction you should head if chaotic disasters start suddenly, locations indicated

3. Inner City Gathering Places: In order for people to be united and in solidarity in the face of all kinds of unexpected events such as major disasters, war, global challenges, the meeting points within the city were specified as GPS coordinates

4. Partial Safe Areas of the City: Safe areas defined within the city, neighboring cities or safer cities during possible major disasters, as coastal cities will usually be plagued by major disasters by more than 70%, location specified


1. What should I tell children about disasters, how should children prepare

2. Do not question with your society what will happen during disasters



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