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Introducing of Bülent Abdullah Turgut

Yazarın fotoğrafı: BAT-BulentTurgutBAT-BulentTurgut

Biologist, Historian and Turkologist.

he has read 76,000+ books in 45 years; about half of them are religious books, and about half are books related to the humanities.

I know 7 languages and about 10 dialects. I know more than 16 million concepts in 34 branches of science and beliefs. I'm a little ambitious about learning and I'm fast.

I am the author of the book entitled Türkiye Disaster Survival Guide. 15 City of Türkiye, Disaster Survival Guide Books are currently available. Books titled "Doomsday - End Times Guide" and "Nibiru / Tariq - Celestial Great Destruction" are being prepared. When it is finished, hopefully it will be given to the press.

I have done a lot of work for the countries of the world and the Turkish states and organized emergency disaster camps. You can take a look at my works from my website.

A Realistic Conspiracy Theorist, Writer, Researcher, Disaster Teller, Fed on the Negative (Seeing What Happens in the Dark), Not Always Serious But Not Slimy, A Student of Teacher Ahmet Yesevi and Ahi Evran. From the generation of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and Prophet Zulkarneyn Oguz Khan (as), Who Do not Like Idiots, Who Believe that the Earth is Round, Wise, 1 million% Turks.

The Audience it addresses is: 130+ IQ and 40+ Age. 2% in Turkish States. The Muslim section that is from the Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jamaat Creed. This includes the Muslim and conscious Turkish section.

I have shared freely information about many topics and made more than 60000 (thousand) pages of documents, hundreds of self-created e-books, more than 5000 patent reviews, thousands of solution suggestions, more than 50000 (fifty thousand) pages of social media sharing in 3 years. Some People attack me as if I've done nothing. I have never seen anyone as ungrateful as our people. Moreover, people did not show interest in the shares I made on dozens of topics. The reason is that I do not fit the image in their heads, I tell the truth directly, I oppose bad thoughts, false things and corruption. They go and praise people who are hostile to this nation and this country, but they vilify and try to marginalize people like us who love their country, homeland, state, religion, values. So they deserve all kinds of trouble that happens to them. In many of them, the moral and conscientious collapse is complete.

I have no business with people who do not know decorum, procedure, rule, respect. Do not judge by opening it in the middle of the book and looking at a few publications. Do not write comments on topics that you do not know and do not understand. If you don't like it, don't follow, don't send friendship offers for nothing. Those who do not interact and do not act decently are excluded from friendship and blocked. I have no business with a mass of followers. I don't make money on the Internet, and I don't do the things I do to make money. It doesn't make sense for me to have a lot of followers. I instantly closed my two Twitter accounts with 52000+ and 30000 followers. Because the level was extremely low, and the platform was also crowded. I don't like people who show interest one moment and then suddenly lose interest and turn their backs. One day, when everything goes wrong, I won't support anyone either. Anyone who addresses amicably and on a scale of reason can communicate.

Some Areas of Interest:

- Disaster and Catastrophe Research

- Traditional Healing and Alternative Healing

- Turkish and World History

- Turkish Values / Töre

- Islamic Sciences

- Bushcraft

- Preparation (Preppering)

- Survival (Surviving)

- Gardening (Kinds of Gardening)


Code Names:

Space Observer: Turkish Alpha Centauri

Kun-Bil: Red Wolf

Radio Call: Red Wolf 2406

Leadership and Management:

Chairman of the Turkutopia Society (40,000,000+)

Chairman of the Turkish Preppers Community (25,000,000+)

Chairman of Turkish Space Observers (2000+)

Turkutopia Obaları / Camps Project Head (40,000+)

Access to My Website:

More convenient access with the Space Mobile App:

Social Media Accounts:



Telegram Group:

BAT Turkey:


YoutTube Channel:


I don't consider myself big, I'm not an arrogant person, I'm not an internet phenomenon at all. I am concerned to tell at least some of the information I have learned in 45 years.

  1. I do not communicate with people who do not write my first and last name correctly on Social Media, who are unclear, who have troll-like usernames and profile information.

  2. I don't give credit to the "you and me" correspondence of people we have met closely and are not friends with. I don't show respect that doesn't show respect.

  3. I do not tolerate people who are in "do this, do that" style orders and write articles intended to manipulate.

  4. I block people who attack, insult, show disrespect, and I don't forget what they did.

  5. I block people who exhibit slander, slander, vilification, marginalization-type behaviors and I don't forget what they did.

  6. My friend, the people who are my friends and comrades are obvious, the rest does not concern me.

  7. If you don't like my posts, don't follow them. I already appeal to a certain level of culture and intelligence. I also don't want low-profile people to be in my fields and degrade my human quality.

  8. I'm not trying to be helpful to others or look cute. There are many such types on the market, you can follow them.

  9. I am not anyone's officer or employee on duty. Some people think I am. Do not confuse me with others.

  10. I have no respect for superstitious, false, perverted, unbalanced ideas, beliefs, orientations. In the sight of Allah, Hazrat. I understand and tell about what is precious and trustworthy in the presence of Muhammad (PBUH) and in the presence of my Ancestor Oguz.

  11. I can have a dialogue with anyone as long as it is respectful and decent.

  12. If you have not mastered what I have told you over the years, first find out what I have told you as a whole. Do not select a word or paragraph with tweezers by opening it from the middle of the book.

  13. It does not mean that I believe and trust everything I share. I also share things just because I find them interesting, I want to do dark humor, I want people to think about it, or I find them humorous.

  14. If you are always looking for very serious people, there are a lot of them on the market. I am a witty person like Ahi Evran. No matter if you accept it, if not, find people you like.

  15. I don't like people who show interest today and turn their backs tomorrow. I also expect people with whom we have formed a bond to say hello and call from time to time Dec. I also delete people who can't handle basic human relationships. ​​​​​​


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