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Introduction to Preparedness / Preppers Act 101

Yazarın fotoğrafı: BAT-BulentTurgutBAT-BulentTurgut

Who is the preparer / prepper?

A preparer is a person who takes precautions against possible disasters and disasters and accumulates various materials by taking them. A person who is a preparer should maintain the balance between radicalization and recklessness Decently so that his psychology does not deteriorate. As many people leave every job to the last moment, as well as leaving the issue of preparation to the last moment, the difficulties are getting bigger. Because just before major disasters occur, negative situations such as hyperinflation, inability to find products, inability to find money, inability to access sellers, closing of access channels to information occur. Such situations also reduce people's mobility to zero.

The main difficulties that people experience about becoming a preparer are as follows:

1. Economic difficulties: Instead of saving money and creating a budget spread over many years to buy the necessary materials, buying many materials in a very short time and trying to make preparations tire people and discourage them. However, if a time-based budget and preparation plan are made, most of the problems will disappear. When you take a look at the annual budget expenditures of most of those who say they have no money, you will see that in fact the situation is not at all as they describe. People do not hide behind various excuses and try to prepare. The economic difficulties that have occurred in the last 2-3 years and the difficulties experienced in finding products have made it even more difficult to be able to do something now.

2. Social difficulties: Preppers suffer from difficulties in their daily lives because they are not generally understood by the reckless segment and are found lax by people who have been radicalized in preparedness. They do not care, they think that the worldly life will always go the way it is known, in fact, it is not like that. Just as there are people who are trying to control the world, trying to eliminate human rights, using religions for their own benefit and making interpretations according to their own minds; there are events that occur outside of human control, such as asteroid impacts, massive Solar flares, and the interaction of structures such as the Tariq / Nibiru Star with the Earth, which are also seen by believers as a divine punishment from God. In the last 10,000 years, only 200 years have passed without war, and the internal turmoil of the nations has continued in it.

3. Culture and mentality problems: More than 850000 concepts are taught in the US education system during the 18-year learning life. However, between 10-30, 000 concepts are taught in the USA-controlled countries within 18 years and up to 300 books are Deciphered. What should be in the normal development process? within 18 years, at least 3.5 million concepts and 10,000 books have been read in 20 branches of science and religious science. a person who has reached the age of 40 should know at least 5 million concepts and have read 15,000 books. Otherwise he won't be able to understand the developing world and what's going on. You can't tell a person who thinks about nothing but his own life and interests that something can go wrong or has gone wrong. Especially ignorant people who have read think they are smart and act with ignorant courage.

What kind of situations do people prepare for?

In fact, there are many reasons, but let's mention the most common ones today.

1. Global power outages and communication disruption

2. Situations that disrupt the nature of human creation and disruption of the functioning of the brain

3. Internal upheavals and coups

4. Wars

5. The collapse of the economic system

6. The cessation of agriculture, animal husbandry and food production

7. The kind of destruction that will shake the world to occur

8. Mini ice age

The things that people are usually most afraid of:

1. Electromagnetic wave breakthroughs and explosions

2. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Wars

3. Anti-biological activities that block the human brain and the zombification of humans

4. Real epidemics on a global scale

5. The control of the world by oppressors

6. The collapse of social life

7. Increasing public order problems and lack of life safety

8. Child stealing and organ mafia movements

9. The increase of drugs and sexual perversions

10. The impact of the comet mentioned in all three heavenly religions on the Earth

Types of disasters and disasters in general:

1. Natural disasters

2. Disasters and disasters that come through the sky

3. Disasters and disasters caused by human hands

Types of disasters according to their impact:

1. Direct disasters

2. Disasters that come indirectly

3. Disasters that come out as a side effect

4. Disasters that occur consecutively

Types of disasters according to their severity:

1. Shaking disasters

2. Devastating disasters

3. Destructive/destructive disasters

Basic stages of disaster preparedness:

1. Being ready as a mindset

2. Obtaining useful information and maps

3. To carry out Disaster Risk Analyses and Researches

4. Making up-to-date observations

5. Making a movement plan

6. Finding ways to receive news

7. Getting a good guide and leader

Types of disasters that arise from mediocrity to beyond reason:

1. Geographical, geological, climatic, magnetism-based effects on location: these occur within the highest probabilities.

2. Effects based on extraordinary and unusual conditions: They are closely related to effects such as a stellar transit or a mini ice age.

3. Metaphysical effects: These come out with effects such as evil eye, magic, jinn, satan, which a person cannot perceive, but exist.

Types of disaster by area of impact:

1. Disasters and disasters that affect individuals

2. Disasters and catastrophes affecting a geographical area

3. Disasters and disasters that affect a country

4. Disasters and disasters that affect a continent

5. Disasters and disasters that affect the whole world

Types of orientation of those who prepare:

1. Those who act alone (lone wolf)

2. Those who prepare at home with their family

3. Participants of the preparatory union

4. Those who are attracted to the countryside

5. Those who build their own shelter

Types of life after disaster in abnormal conditions:

1. Dystopian life: It is a life model in which many rights and freedoms are canceled by those who hold power, all kinds of precious items are under the control of those who hold power, and a system based on martial law is adopted. Sometimes it is necessary to survive in difficult conditions, but for this, the world must have reached a huge impasse and a great destruction must have taken place. You cannot impose such an understanding of life on an entire nation and the world.

2. Utopian life: It is a life model in which rights and freedoms are relatively protected, but a sound management, justice, culture mechanism is in operation. In this kind of life model, there is a certain leader and his directives are applied. As long as people are moral, conscious, cultured, just, conscientious, diligent, and progressive, it is the system that is the guarantee of civilization, but in the hands of educated ignoramuses it turns into the greatest misery.

Decide if you want to become a Preparer by answering some questions:

You should do the accounting for such things yourself. Nothing is done by telling things to others and listening to them and asking for reason. If inventors and scholars had made decisions by looking at the mouths of others, no development would have occurred today. You should also not inflate the heads of people who provide guidance and leadership on preparedness. The decisions you make are none of other people's business. You are a single person, and when you tell the other person, you may think that the other person is only interested in you. In fact, you see that people who deal with hundreds of people during the day are reluctant to listen to other people's problems over time and can even be hurtful. Besides being interested in a lot of problems, projects, research, analysis, guide and leader people, listening to the problems of those who are confused, have discovered something new or are trying to make decisions for themselves and giving them reason is not even the last thing desired. It does not mean that you are not valuable, just remember that it is important for the person you are facing to have patience, time is valuable, and to do work. Remember that every negative attitude or selfish comment of yours can damage their psychology and their faith in the society they are in. Do not undermine the psychology and efforts of people who are striving for your well-being with your own hands.

1. Can you interpret the situations that occur when large and chaotic disasters begin?

2. When there are large and chaotic disasters, do you know which direction and where you should go according to the type of disaster?

3. Do you have a disaster plan that you need to implement when there are large and chaotic disasters?

4. Are there sane and combative people with whom you can unite when there are big and chaotic disasters?

5. Is there anyone who gives you accurate and useful information about disasters and disasters?

6. Do you have a guide and a leader who understands the end times correctly and properly?

7. Are you able to spend your resources in the right and beneficial directions, are you preparing, are you investing in your future?

8. Do you have information and maps that will be very useful for you when there are large and chaotic disasters?

How can you start preparedness?

1. Start small. If you do not have enough resources to last 3 days without power (electrical energy), there is no need to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse (given as an example, and this type of apocalypse has been seriously dealt with by the US military).

2. Start with food and water. Usually new preppers want to focus on guns, knives and ammunition. Actually, this is not true. It may not be that attractive, but your first preparations should be food and water. Prepare emergency consumables such as winter food products in your home.

3. Improve your skills. Preparation is not only about what you buy, but also about developing your skill ability and expanding your knowledge. So get access to useful information and archive them. If you can't do something yourself, get ready-made information. the "Our Work" page of the website may be the right starting point.

4. Create a preparatory community. Tell your friends, colleagues and family about preparing. Many people are reckless and fond of your pleasure. Remember that there are a majority of people who will not listen to you, will not accept developments, will not want to disrupt their current situation. If you are not successful in explaining the situation to those around you, create a Disaster Community (such as an oba structure) with Preparatory Communities. Do not magnify the troubles you are suffering inside and do not tell the preparatory people and chill from yourself. The personal problem that everyone suffers from is their own. Preparatory communities are not a platform for listening to other people's problems and stress. On the contrary, it is the place of struggling people who go above the problems. If you do not have the will and effort in this direction, do not inflate the heads of others.

5. Adapt your preparations according to your geographical location. If you live in the north, you need to focus on keeping warm in winter, if you live in the south, you need to focus on staying cool in summer. At the same time, if there are possible sudden climate changes, make preparations for them.

6. Develop a plan B. Also known as an Emergency Backpack (Bug Bag). In other words, be prepared to leave the place you are by getting ready in 30 minutes and be prepared to move to a safe area. It should always be your plan to get in within the framework of Plan A. Only make mistakes if you absolutely need to.

7. Practice with your preparations. It is not enough to have preparations, you need to be competent with them and know how to use them when you encounter a bad situation.

8. Prepare a list and a plan to stay organized, use your precautionary plan when the time comes and even before a major disaster strikes according to the specified. Create a list of preparedness supplies, an emergency food list, and something else. This will help you stay organized and buy everything you need.

9. Get in shape. When everything starts to fall apart in chaotic disasters and you are forced to fend for yourself, you want to be in the best possible condition. For this, you must also be healthy and vigorous.

10. Learn first aid. First aid skills will literally save your and your family life.

11. Learn to be ready mentally and don't be a liability to others. Other people won't listen to your whining, and they won't care if you're forced by them to take action.

12. Don't be fatalistic. Faith in fate is a requirement of religion, but fatalism consumes a person. Half of the preparation is to complete the preparations, and half is prayer and trust. But if you do not strive, the prayers you make will also do no good.

13. If you don't care about yourself, no one else will care about you. This is the painful truth of life. It is nice to have community and unity. Only people who care about themselves, life, the world, other people and are a little paranoid survive.

14. Don't reveal your secrets. Information about your preparations, maps, studies should be your secret. Now don't forget that your enemies are the sneaky and self-hiding kind. There are not only good people in the world. Do not share, talk, discuss anything about these issues, neither on the Internet nor in real life. Especially never on the Internet platforms of your secret enemies..

The cost of being a preparer:

1. Entry-Level Preparer: Usually those who do not want to spend money. They try to learn information and follow developments. From time to time they try to get books and publications. Dec.

2. Developmental Preparer: They do various activities such as obtaining information (books and publications), buying camping equipment, joining preparer communities. In general, when they spend around $ 5,000, they do a lot of things they want. These also include backup energy systems. If they had divided this money into 10-year tranches and spent it during periods when the economy was better, it would not have touched them much relatively either.

3. Runner Preparer: In addition to the work of the Developmental Preparer, they are people who have built a shelter for themselves in a safe area and are trying to set up a garden layout and Live Off-Grid. In general, when they spend between 30-50000 dollars Dec, they do a lot of things they want.

General information about our basic structures:

1. Turkutopia Society

It is a Civil Initiative Platform that Produces Solutions in the Face of Disasters and Disasters. The state continues to work with its own resources and skills. These studies are a civic platform that allows people who can trust each other to unite in chaotic and major disasters and disasters. These are search and rescue and temporary settlement services performed by the state. Dec. What we do is to give the necessary struggle for the continuation of humanity and civilization when everything is falling apart.

Our projects are divided into two as "Future for Turks" and "Turks for the Future".

2. Turkish Preppers Community

It is a Social Unity Aimed at Preparing for Chaotic Disasters and Catastrophes. He is not only engaged in explaining problems; he is also engaged in creating solutions and leading solutions. Although those who do not understand what we are doing are attacking, there is currently no other study that is more reliable and more applicable than ours. The rich do not care about serious developments and are only concentrating on power. Some people have built shelters, but they have no vision of the future. Politicians are in their own world. But everyone sees the chaotic changes in the world, and it is vital that there are studies that our nation can hold on to against the further stages of these.

3. Turkutopia Obas / Camps

It is an organization that aims to bring together the kind of people who can trust each other Decently in chaotic and difficult times. There is no sale of land, buildings, facilities, places. There is only a map indicating the meeting place, providing useful documents and promotional Decals to bring people together in chaotic times. This organization is carried out within the framework of the Turkutopia Society and the Turkish Preppers Community. It aimed to bring together people from important professions and people with important skills (such as farming, mining, animal husbandry).Dec. Because in chaotic times, such people will be irreplaceable.

Don't let the things you see in movies and TV shows come into your head. Even the cost of a hair tent that you see in them can reach 5000 dollars. Besides, including location arrangements and other preparations, it would have cost you at least $100,000. Ours is an understanding in which everyone can participate, you will take your own preparatory items, aiming to survive by the ancestral method in unusual and chaotic times. He Decrees the gathering of qualified people rather than money.

Possible Dangers When Large and Chaotic Disasters Occur

We are considering measures against as many problems as we can with the studies we are doing. However, our main goal is to "save people's lives". If people move gradually and quickly, they can accomplish many more tasks in a short time. They can only do this by doing their own Disaster Planning studies. Knowledge acquisition is the vast majority of this business. You can't do anything without knowledge. In fact, without knowledge, you don't even have hope. If you are consuming your resources with daily pleasure and desire to buy goods instead of making preparations, you should not find excuses for anyone when you are under bad conditions. You should think about yourself first. Others can only heal your wounds if they can reach you in a timely and effective way..

1. Aftershocks and Other Disasters in Succession

2. Robbers and Looters

3. The Organ Mafia and Child Kidnappers

4. Explosions of Natural Gas Plant and Lines

5. The Inability of the State to Keep Up with Millions of People

6. Lack of People to Trust

7. Not Knowing the Safer Parts of the City

8. The Absence of a Person's Goal During a Disaster and Not Knowing What to Do

9. Lack of Food and Clean Jul-de-sac Water

The Development Process of the Tariq Star

In Geological Historical research, "stress and change" have been observed in the soil layers every 3500 years. Changes in the shape of the soil, glazing of the soil, dimensional differences in the formation layers of the soil, petro oil rains from the sky, iron oxide dust heaps have been found. You can say, "It may have happened in some places, it may not have happened everywhere".. in the examinations conducted in 7-8 different geographical areas, it has been determined that the same type of soil stresses occur. Moreover, at that time, oil or petro-oils were not used. A situation that gives the appearance of rain in the soil and will create traces of several meters is the fact that they will have come from the sky.

it is difficult to summarize a 3-year in-depth research and 2 tb of data. However, I have compiled the most important parts for you anyway. When you read the article, I thought that perhaps you might want to learn something about the destructive planet that will come across us in a few years, and even if you are a little smart, you can make an effort to get more information and prepare. Life has never been static, and this mediocre lifestyle will not last forever either. The world is constantly in revolution. Every 100,000 years a new Adam lineage (the last remaining humans), several major floods every 50-70000 years, an ice age every 10-20000 years, the process of destruction with the arrival of Nibiru every 3500 years, a war or flood that will shake the earth every 1000 years, a global war every 300 years, an event that will shake the world every 100 years, and an event that will shake the world every 30 years have occurred. If you do some research in the History of Geology, the History of the World and the History of Religions and analyze your information on the way to the whole, they will start to pour out in front of you. If you confuse history with just studying pottery and believing that everything is haphazard, it doesn't go beyond a bunch of nonsense that you get. History is the science that also directs the future of the nation. There can be no future for a person who does not know his true History and does not own it.

The Development Process of Disasters

Most disasters actually occur with some indicator parameters. When you watch these, you can at least get the time to move towards saving your life.

Pre-Disaster Indicators: These are the End Times topics described in the Hadiths, data obtained from applications such as Windy, data from nature and disaster monitoring stations and centers in foreign countries, data from people who study and monitor Astronomical and Geological events, current weather and land movements monitoring indicators provide guidance. At the same time, it is necessary not to live in very high buildings and, if possible, to live in the countryside, to carry out disaster planning work in advance, to obtain information about disasters in advance, to know safe places and camping areas that can be visited in times of disaster, to make an escape plan from cities in advance, to investigate possible dangers in advance and to consider measures with maps. If there is a disaster with a big and predictable initial adventure, it will make a huge difference if a possible danger appears or if people take action a little earlier and throw themselves into safe areas.

Disaster Time Indicators: It is important to know what to do when a disaster begins, and it is necessary to have knowledge in order to get through the first jerky situations in a calm. Usually, when a disaster starts, it is assumed that everything will happen within the first half minute. As there has not been any preparation before, it is necessary to take some of the items and collect the family members. At this time, the aftershocks of disasters and their different successors begin to arrive. It starts with an earthquake, continues with a landslide, or there will be big explosions. As soon as the disaster begins, you should take action on what to do and where you need to go. Family members should also go there. It should not be forgotten that there are people who have died while searching for family members.

Indicators After Disasters: After the first pains of disasters seem to pass, others may also appear. For example, the occurrence of tsunamis after an earthquake. Such as the explosion of chemical plants and natural gas lines after the first disasters. Some of them are predictable, and some of them develop surprise. Surprise developments, such as a gas leak from a chemical plant or a radioactive leak from a nuclear plant, can be much more annoying. Considering the dangers such as industry, natural gas, chemical, treatment plant, electricity transmission and substations in the region where you live, places where high voltage lines pass, forests where there are trees (such as pine) that are very suitable for burning, it would be most logical to go to a safe area. It would be very right not to go to random places. For example, asteroids and meteors containing iron and iron oxide dust may come to Earth from the tails of an iron-based star. If you go to an area with high magnetism and/or a metal mine, you will be open to dangers that may come from the sky there. You can't even breathe. If there are dam lakes and rivers in the area you are going to, you may have to struggle with water during the occurrence of disasters. Therefore, the work of the safe area you will go to after the disaster should have been done in advance. You should plan your movements by looking at environmental changes and developments after the disaster.

Turkutopia Society

It plans some civil works related to the present and the future in order for the Turkish nation, state, homeland to strengthen and reach out to the future. Although such is the intention, it can become active as a result of conscious people owning them. The number of such conscious people today is very small. Maybe it will help future generations.

It is one of the works whose infrastructure we want to create, but people do not care enough. We want people who can be in solidarity in cities and districts to come together under all kinds of difficult conditions. Dec. In order for this structure to be active, there is a need for leading people who can take responsibility and manage their community. We cannot establish and manage solidarity communities in the whole country. It is necessary for the people of the regions to be active in this regard.

1. The Future for Turks Project: Includes studies on fighting for the security, well-being and unity of Turks in the End Times. In this context;

a. Determination of Safe Areas Against Disasters and Disasters b. Oba / Camp Structures Organization of Spending Difficult Times Together

c. Personal and Group Escape Planning from Cities in Disasters and Disasters

c. Creating Information about Surviving in Nature and Harsh Conditions

d. Collecting and Evaluating the Necessary Information during the Arrival Process of Tarık Yıldız

e. Preparing for Difficult Times with City Solidarity Communities

2. Turks for the Future Project: It includes the work of ensuring the integrity of faith, reason, country and science, which comes from the ancestors of the Turks and extends to the future. In this context;

a. Teaching Turkish National, Spiritual and Religious Values to Our Nation

b. The Presentation of the Teachings of the True Islam

c. To Eliminate the Mental Confusion of Our People and to Gain the Consciousness of Being a Nation

c. Showing the Real Faces of Perverted and Evil Scientific and Religious Movements

d. Access to Accurate and Useful Information For Turks, Making it Possible

e. Combating the Degeneration of Knowledge and Culture

f. Ensuring that the True Turkish History is Learned and Taught

Turkish Preppers Community

it is a building that caters to more than 5 million people in 44 countries. There are also infrastructure structures. However, people are not very diligent about this either. But when the last moment comes, we have a nation that takes action. If only they could see that last moment..

a. Preparing for Bad Times within the Framework of BAT Publications and Oba Structures

b. Planning of Theoretical and Practical Training of Preppers on Survival

c. Evaluation of Collaborations in the Context of Preparedness


We are conducting Security Research and Strategic Analyses against Disasters and Catastrophes that occur in Turkey and around the World and are highly likely to occur Naturally, Through the Sky and by Human Hands. these studies have been presented to 44 countries of the world for 3 years. Most of the studies are carried out through the cities of Budapest and Astana. If it is specific to the Turkic World, basic studies are offered in accordance with the BAT initiative. Our works are of two types as "General Usable" and "Personalized". Although the Turkic World is relatively unrelated, the studies have been delivered to about 20 million Turks in different parts of the world to date. Our works "Digital Publication (PDF, Word, etc.)" and in the form of "Consulting".

Disaster Planning Studies: We conduct special disaster security risk analyses, especially for large cities that are at a very high risk of disasters. These are being sent to you as documents. You can use it to make your own decisions by looking at values and information. In our studies, we do not reveal unknown and secret information, we contribute to deepening your own research and thoughts by revealing purely scientific and religious truths. You can't expect everyone to have the same level of intelligence, knowledge and culture. Even the most intelligent and cultured people can forget a lot of information within a certain period of time. When they pass over it, they remember it again and can even capture angles they couldn't see before. Although you may know the basic information, we also show many topics that you don't actually know or don't mention in our studies. Dec. So we are expanding your point of view. If you do not do this, you will remain a prisoner in your life, which you focus only on. When great disasters and disasters reach you, you remain in remorse.

Disaster Times Escape Plans from Cities: It is a map, planning and coordination study on escaping to previously determined Safe Areas (according to various scientific criteria) just before or after disasters start. It is aimed to ensure your life safety and to be in solidarity by meeting people you can trust in common areas. You can make studies for a single person or members of your family separately. You can acquire one or both of the following, you can do your own preparation:

1. Basic Digital Publishing Sets

2. Personalized Plans

Oba / Camp Participation: When there are big disasters and disasters, the first thing you will think about is to save your life, the second is to find a place to stay and meet your needs, and the third is to ensure your safety. During the time of great disasters and catastrophes, you will encounter successive Decays. Like aftershocks.. That's why you can't stay where you are. At the same time, when destruction occurs, looters, wild animals, malicious people (organ mafia, kidnappers, murderers, etc.) may also occur, it is within the possibilities. It is vital to find people you can trust and be in solidarity with. More than 100 million people around the world have become Preppers to protect themselves and not to be miserable in such bad times. These are the ones who prepare consciously and systematically. And more than 700 million people are also partial Preparers through hoarding or precautionary measures. There are "Doomsday Shelters" of more than 50 million rich people in different parts of the world. There are more than 50000 rich people who have built such shelters in our country. The methods currently used for such situations are as follows:

1. Building a shelter: It is a very expensive and constantly maintained understanding that needs to be stocked and monitored. The shelter in the form of a small and completely empty room starts from 30000 euros. You need to spend more than 100000 euros for an average and beginner-level shelter, including the stocks that you will put in it. It is not possible for everyone to do such things.

2. City defense line: People accumulate supplies and food in the basement of their own houses. However, they give heart to City Preparation by being a little more disciplined. Usually people in foreign countries do it. It is an extremely unwise attitude for people to prepare for chaotic disasters in their own homes. Because if you stay in settlements when big and chaotic disasters come, you will stay in filth and hunger as long as municipal services and logistics stop.

3. Don't run to the countryside: There are people who leave city life and run to the countryside. However, when preparing for major disasters and catastrophes, just being in the countryside will not save you. It is necessary to conduct Geological and soil analyses of this place, to look at its security against possible disasters, to examine the traces of geological history in the past. We think that escaping to the countryside alone is not enough. Because if you are in the wrong place, all kinds of disasters will find you there too.

4. Oba / camp organization: It is the nomadic way of Turkish ancestors. At the time of great disasters and disasters, our ancestors took their tents and moved to the countryside. We thought of the same logic and thought about organizing and coordinating people in this context. If we tried to build an Oba facility, maybe we would ask for millions of TL. But it made a lot more sense to organize an organization that allows people who can only trust each other when bad times start to come together Decently. Because our nation cannot be organized by coming together and fighting without fighting. Dec. We did this job for him. People will know where to go when bad times come, and they will make their own decisions and find a campsite there. Since they will already be in a Safe Space, the place they will find will be an empty space. A temporary camp will be set up. When bad times pass, they can stay together again according to the new conditions and build a village for themselves or return to their old places. We marked the gathering areas for the camp on the maps. There are also documents containing information about camp life and camping, first aid, survival documents. We give ID, password, call code so that people can get to know each other in the campgrounds. They will be able to make radio calls with the call code. Professional radio is not a contact code. The state gives it to him. This is just to say, "I am one of you, where are you". ID is also a simple identification card. Everything is transmitted to you by e-mail. You can print out and store what you want from the printer. Think of it as a Club activity. You can also be given an ID and password at clubs. We do not issue an official population card, the state also issues it. We have created a sustainable system where everyone can participate. We did not dwell on the idea of settling somewhere and setting up a facility because it would already be nomadic. So far, more than 5 million people have participated in obas in 44 countries. It's nice to see that we can move forward in this way without a fight, a fight.

Disaster Risk Management

A. Preparations to be Made by the State: States make evaluations according to their own way of thinking and the structure of their countries.

B. Preparations that People Will Make: People should definitely make some preparations in order to protect the lives of themselves and their families. If you leave everything to others and the state in the Disaster Risk area, you may not see any support on your side during chaotic disasters. Because there is no state that can take care of millions of people at the same time. After people die and leave, or lose a limb, insurance money doesn't mean anything either.

1. Pre-Disaster Preparations:

a. Obtaining Information

b. Creating a Community of Cooperation and Preparation

c. Buying Camping Equipment

2. If It Is Felt That Disaster Is About to Come, What to Do:

a. Packing of Camping Equipment

b. Going to the Safe Area or Oba Area

c. Ensuring Security by Setting Up a Camp

3. Things to Do After the Occurrence of a Disaster:

a. Establishment of Local Solidarity and Trust Teams

b. If There is Destruction, the Items in the Settlement Should be Taken to the Campsite Safely

c. To Ensure the Settlement and Security by Going to the Campsite


Even though search and rescue activities are carried out by AFAD, in big earthquakes, as seen in past examples, the local people are the first rescuers after disasters, especially after an earthquake. Dec. Therefore, since it takes some time for professional teams to arrive and intervene, the intervention made by local people or people who are not affected by the disaster is very important, which is the main life-saving, the main vital point in disasters. There are statistics about this. Families save 32 percent of the people affected in the disaster. Neighbors save 28 percent, professional teams save only 2 percent. Therefore, we need to do this job with the entire society in order for us to be ready for disaster. Especially the first intervention phase, it is much more important for the public to be aware of this issue for the work to be done in 72 hours, and their intervention. In other words, when it comes to disasters, how much you have trained yourself and how prepared you are for disasters is the most important and valid thing. People forget that state institutions and aid teams have also suffered the same disasters. Therefore, we need to pay attention to certain stages and environmental indicators within the framework of Personal Disaster Risk Analysis and Personal Preparation for Disasters. If these things don't happen, people won't have a chance, when there is a disaster, they just stay.

To have general information against disasters

To have general information about disaster preparedness

To have security analyses of your own geographical region and city against disasters

To observe the conditions of occurrence and developments of disasters

Making a plan to take action before disasters occur

To make a plan to escape from the danger zone by taking action as soon as disasters occur

Organizing meetings and camps with people you can trust during disasters (like our oba structure)

To create local teams that will be in solidarity during a disaster

Our publications, research, analysis and organizations related to most of these will respond to your needs. since 2019, we have been working on current disasters and catastrophes, as well as on the arrival of the Nibiru / Tarik Star. We also do these according to many different branches of science and religious science. There is a lot of information about the End Times in Hadiths, Sermons and religious narratives. At the same time, information has also been given to us in such branches of science as Geology, Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Chemistry, Volcanology, Seismology. On top of this, our Geological, Seismological, Volcanism, Astronomical observations have been continuing for 3 years. Both BAT and his Team are conducting a lot of research on this subject in different languages.


As of January 1, 2024, we will not take into consideration the requests from Turkey. For requests that may come from different countries of the world, my Assistants in Turkey will only be able to take part in the information provision part, but requests will be made to my Assistants in different countries. In Turkey, I will only have printed books. You will also be able to buy them from the publisher. Requests from the state levels, the army, NGOs, strategic research institutes, municipalities, local governments, and the media will be decided after a preliminary meeting with my Assistant. Requests related to information, report, disaster plan, latest developments, etc. can be made. Requests that will be received first from the Turkish states and then from other states that we consider reasonable will be evaluated and an appropriate response will be given.


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