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Yazarın fotoğrafı: BAT-BulentTurgutBAT-BulentTurgut

If you visually record the sky and earth phenomena (unusual appearance) and anomalies that you see and feel, and send them to me, we will evaluate and interpret. Take multiple pictures and videos. Let them be of high quality. Shoot some of them without zooming in and some of them with zooming in. Take as many videos and pictures as possible. Send me your original recordings by e-mail. If your shots take up a lot of space, open a folder in one of the cloud areas such as Google Drive, Yandex Disk, Dropbox, iCloud, upload your files to that folder, and then send me the link to the folder. The location (City, District, District names) and the Date and Time must be written down. You can even write down your feelings at the moment you see it. Put them all in that folder. Do not send them separately. We publish our analyses from our social network accounts and we also follow the developments.


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