First of all, may Allah help everyone. A few of the qualities of real scholars are:
1. It is that he acts in the circle of decency and erkan, which requires respect for the true religion and true scientific subjects, as well as for the owners of true knowledge who came before him. At the same time, the true scholar struggles to eliminate distorted ideas and information.
2. It is that he knows where to stand, that there can be nothing other than Islam and true scientific explanations, you must express your sound / authentic sources, you must reveal the evidence if you are making observations, you must be able to make sound and factual analyses and comments about the sciences you are a foundation of.
3. Foresight, that is, you should be able to see what is coming with foresight, which is possible with the discovery, inspiration and opening of the mind of true scholars from Allah.
4. You should not be loved by everyone, which is because Allah does not make the people of true knowledge love the dry crowds, and the true scholars fight blasphemy, perverted ideas, lies and fabricated things. At the same time, it reveals the real face of the work according to the reference areas on which it is based.
5. He does not deal with things that Allah does not like and clearly states as blasphemy, which are things such as Astrology, Astrology, other fortune-telling, witchcraft, usury. Allah does not give knowledge to those who deal with such things. Allah gives knowledge to whomever He wills, and money to whomever he pursues..
Many great wise people have come and gone and clarified many issues. It does not suit me to violate their explanations and Allah's commandments and talk nonsense.
"When will the Nibiru/Tarik Star arrive?" his question comes more than any kind of question. I'm not a Fortune Teller or a Fortune Teller. I only scan and analyze according to signs and omens mentioned in serious sources. If the conditions match the events that took place that year, I would say, "it could happen this year, be careful." This does not mean that "it will necessarily happen that year". No one knows what will happen when. However, in the Hadiths, Hazrat.In Ali's Sermons, in the explanations of the authentic religious elders (they can have information about the events that will happen in the future because their hearts are open to discovery / there are no such people left today, there is only one), some omens and signs have been described. Why do people ask the question of when the Tariq Star will arrive? They will leave their preparations to the last moment, and they will sell their property and reach the disaster day. I've had a lot of one-on-one conversations about this. However, no one can guarantee you anything. There is no guarantee that it will not occur tomorrow. We are the Preparers. "So when will the disaster happen?" we don't have the answer to his question, no one does. Those who say "it will happen at this time" on social media are lying, they are throwing it away. People also like the one who talks nonsense. Because they seem to be giving information about the unknown. However, they do not know anything so that they can give you information about the date when an event will take place.. They are completely lying.
The main question of the preparers is "what preparation have I done, what preparations should I make, what information should I have at hand?". If you answer "nothing" to this question, the question of what will happen on what date does not matter to you either. And when big disasters come, you can't hide behind your excuses either. Whatever your current position and situation is, you will think about your measures yourself according to it. Even if you are making your preparations, it does not matter what will happen when. There is no one who can know about any disaster 1 year in advance, 6 months in advance, 1 month in advance. Do not live in dreams. We act with realistic people and concrete sciences + sciences. If September 2024 Tarik will show himself,"if I shake it, will everyone sell everything by September and settle somewhere else? No. Then you will make your preparations in the position you are in.
What do you need?
1. Survival information in difficult conditions
2. Maps of safe areas
3. Flood maps
4. Participation in campsites where you can be with other people
5. General information needed to recover from disasters
6. Geographical information of the cities
7. Disaster situation analysis of cities
8. A plan so that you can escape from your current location and go to a safe area
9. A plan to ensure that you can easily and quickly reach a safe area
10. At least basic camping equipment
Do it if you can do it yourself. If you can't, get it from people who can or have done these studies Jul.
It is not right for us to comment and give personal advice based on people's special situations. In the village, on the mountain, on the plateau, in Central Anatolia, etc. there is no such thing as safe your houses and lands, which are located in random places. Less than 8% of our country is in a safe area, which is between 70-80% safe. Dec. The rest is a less safe or unsafe area. According to what? Earthquake, flood, tsunami, sinkhole formation, drought, landslide, fire probability, landslide, land flooding risk, volcanic explosion risk, meteor fall, chemical plant explosion, etc. against disasters and catastrophes..
I have done all this work in 3 years. I spent effort, time, money. It is not right for me to comment on people's special situations in 2 minutes or with 2 lines of writing. You should make your own analysis by looking at the studies we have prepared. We cannot say anything about the special situation of each of the 460 million Turks. After all, we are also people who live in cities. When the day comes, we will leave.