Did we mention what will happen when Nibiru starts to approach?
1. The number and strength of natural disasters and disasters will increase.
2. The electromagnetic wave outflows of the Sun affected by Nibiru and Nibiru will increase.
3. The Cosmic Energy from Nibiru will increase.
4. The sounds and noises coming from Nibiru will be even more audible.
5. There will be failures and accidents in the electrical and electronic systems of land, air and sea vehicles.
6. The iron oxide dust from Nibiru will increase and the sky will turn red, red clouds will appear.
7. Destruction will increase in places where Nibiru's tails cross.
8. The penetration of water from the seas to the land and the flooding of the land will increase.
9. There will be tsunami storms.
10. All major volcanoes will erupt, the ground will be displaced when the last supervolcanoes erupt. Megatronic M10, M11, M12, M13 destructive earthquakes will destroy settlements.
11. The waters in the sky will devastate the world as rain, snow and hail rains.
12. Nibiru's electromagnetic power will eliminate the energy barriers and the demons, fairies and demons living outside our dimension will become visible.
13. All kinds of diseases, psychological disorders, mental breakdowns will increase in people.
14. The animals will lose their ability to find directions and there will be mass deaths.
15. The continental tectonic plates will be dislocated and the earth will take on a new shape.
16. Mountain collapses will multiply in the major mountain ranges.
17. The coastlines around the Black Sea will be destroyed.
18. Meteor and fireball showers will multiply.
19. The good in the heart of the good and the evil in the heart of the bad will increase. The resonance of the person will be disrupted.
Is this happening right now? Yes, it's happening.. more than 200 types of disasters and catastrophes are ravaging our world. Millions of people are suddenly homeless, without belongings, helpless. There is time for this to get worse. The Disaster Risk Status is 40%. We expect it to exceed 80% by next summer. This is not happening with Climate Engineering, but with the Cosmic Energy of Nibiru.
Did we mention what will happen when Nibiru starts to approach?
1. The number and strength of natural disasters and disasters will increase.
2. The electromagnetic wave outflows of the Sun affected by Nibiru and Nibiru will increase.
3. The Cosmic Energy from Nibiru will increase.
4. The sounds and noises coming from Nibiru will be even more audible.
5. There will be failures and accidents in the electrical and electronic systems of land, air and sea vehicles.
6. The iron oxide dust from Nibiru will increase and the sky will turn red, red clouds will appear.
7. Destruction will increase in places where Nibiru's tails cross.
8. The penetration of water from the seas to the land and the flooding of the land will increase.
9. There will be tsunami storms.
10. All major volcanoes will erupt, the ground will be displaced when the last supervolcanoes erupt. Megatronic M10, M11, M12, M13 destructive earthquakes will destroy settlements.
11. The waters in the sky will devastate the world as rain, snow and hail rains.
12. Nibiru's electromagnetic power will eliminate the energy barriers and the demons, fairies and demons living outside our dimension will become visible.
13. All kinds of diseases, psychological disorders, mental breakdowns will increase in people.
14. The animals will lose their ability to find directions and there will be mass deaths.
15. The continental tectonic plates will be dislocated and the earth will take on a new shape.
16. Mountain collapses will multiply in the major mountain ranges.
17. The coastlines around the Black Sea will be destroyed.
18. Meteor and fireball showers will multiply.
19. The good in the heart of the good and the evil in the heart of the bad will increase. The resonance of the person will be disrupted.
Is this happening right now? Yes, it's happening.. more than 200 types of disasters and catastrophes are ravaging our world. Millions of people are suddenly homeless, without belongings, helpless. There is time for this to get worse. The Disaster Risk Status is 40%. We expect it to exceed 80% by next summer. This is not happening with Climate Engineering, but with the Cosmic Energy of Nibiru.
Why don't the Globalists talk about Nibiru?
Why are globalists obscuring the facts about Nibiru and why is Nibiru not mentioned in the media, social media, various sources of information? I've explained this a thousand times too. They still ask often. There are people who cannot understand that they live in a world controlled by globalists and that there are such things as "bad", "evil", "sedition", "order-breaking" in the world. Not all people are good, and the world has never been left to itself like that. It has always been under the control of a society. But people, unfortunately, have been made too naive and stupid. They do not understand the facts and think the world is a place without straight / crooked affairs.. The main goal of globalists is to reduce the population. they have been telling it openly in their books for more than 100 years and in the media for more than 40 years. But our people neither read nor listen. We have a lot of people who live and go empty. The proportion of people who live in Istanbul and have never seen the sea face is 30%. Doesn't a person wonder about the sea? They're just not curious.. The rate of buying books in our country is 2 per thousand, and the rate of buying useful books is less than 1 per ten thousand.. There is also no desire to read and learn. The rate of foreign language proficiency in our country is very low. Even the rate of writing academic articles in our country is 0.2 per person. On the one hand, they are making people social experiment material. Two different families are pursuing two separate projects for YDD, and neither of them Junks each other. The media and social media belong to them. There are Turks in the target in the Gog Magog War, but the Turks are chasing laylaylom.. Turks do not read, do not listen and do not improve themselves. The Turks just make fun of everything and they don't have much to do with proper pursuits. They say "we are Muslims", but I wonder how Muslim are we? There is an order that globalists have established over the millennia. Do they want him to suddenly break down? They control 95% of the world's money, and more than 2 billion people in the world serve them in one way or another. These people have become fanatics of Globalists. Do they want people to wake up and attack the Globalists? Do they make them talk about it on their own media and social media? People who think they already know, but don't know anything, are popular and have a reputation. Belly-flicking social media phenomena have more than 10 million followers, but people like us who are in trouble for teaching useful information have a few thousand.. Few people follow people like us and try to find out the real information. There is also one issue: the name given to Nibiru is different in every society, and the code name given by each space agency is also different. That's why you can't expect the whole world to call him "Nibiru".
Is there any chance that Nibiru will pass by without harm?
It is impossible for Nibiru to pass through without greater damage. It is mentioned as "destructive" in Hadiths, Sermons, narratives of Islamic scholars, the Bible, the Torah and in the narratives of various civilizations. Dry prayer will not help either if we are not prepared. When the Mahdi era begins, he will not be able to fight with so many people. For this reason, the population should decrease very much. The topic of "not letting people know so that they don't panic" also happens only in movies. Those who run the states are collaborators of the Globalists. Naturally, they know Nibiru, but they don't make a sound. So in any case, everyone is on their own. I have told them with their evidence a thousand times and shared my references as well. The rest is up to you.