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What will happen when Nibiru arrives 2

Yazarın fotoğrafı: BAT-BulentTurgutBAT-BulentTurgut

What is happening in the New News..

We have been telling for 3 years. We share information, comments and analyses with both scientific and scientific sources. The power and number of solar flares are increasing, but what is the reason for this? No one can answer him. To the one who made it up.. Most of them say, "there is this cycle every 10 years." Well, good, but why are there thousands of devastating disasters and disasters in more than 200 categories that are increasing in strength and number around the world right now? Why has this suddenly erupted in the last 3-5 years? There is only one answer to all this: Nibiru is approaching Earth! The sooner you accustom yourself to this information, the sooner you will move to the precautionary stage. Otherwise, when you say, "the stock market is your interest, I am your goods, I am your service," you will kill your time and resources in empty jobs. Globalists and Conspiracy Theorists continue to impose their ideas on you and deceive you.

"There will be electricity and internet outages for days and months !

Scientists have warned;

strong solar flares expected to have no effect on the solar surface in 2024

it is causing great damage to our country, some of these damages..

1. It can change the Earth's magnetic field..

2. Particles reaching the Earth cause power grids to fail or this can lead to long-term power and internet outages worldwide.

3. In addition, when these explosions reach our country, intense radiation also occurs.. These radiations can also cause serious irritation to human health. But diseases caused by radiation can be permanent in humans.

So, in general, communication and power networks on earth for a long time are negatively they may be affected..

Although this is only a possibility at the moment, it is quite a high probability... Most countries are continuing to take measures at the moment... We hope it will be for the best and we will be affected in the lightest way if such an event takes place.."

Continue with the topic of what we will experience during the approach of Nibiru..

The process will be very difficult for those who do not see and do not understand the signs and omens. It is even more difficult for those who do not prepare. It is even more difficult for those who do not hold important information and do not have a disaster plan. People who do not understand what is what will be left in confusion.

Those who die and go will be lucky, the rest of them will get worse every day. After Nibiru passes by, Sufyan and the Dajjal will come out. People will not be able to get comfortable. Those who are united, those who take strength from each other, those who stand strong, those who are prepared, those who remain sane will be a thousand times more lucky than others. At least they will have knowledge, hope and effort in overcoming difficulties. People will be much more needy to people, and people who are prepared for bad times will be able to make up for each other's shortcomings.

40-60 days of distant arrival and destructive effects, 3-7 days of contact and complete destructive impact, 40-60 days of distance, 7 months+ reduction of destructive effects, 7+ years of concussive effects.. In other words, there is a time when there should be unity for at least 9-10 months.

1. There will be wild animals becoming restless and aggressive. The animals will go crazy with the frequencies coming from Nibiru. As a result of this, attacks on humans and other animals will increase.

2. When the sun is in position behind it, it will cause excessive heat. Because its electromagnetic field will have very negative effects on the Sun and the Earth. The number and power of solar flares will increase. The electromagnetic waves of both the Sun and Nibiru will heat the core and surface of the Earth. Almost all volcanoes will explode. Only very old volcanoes may not have eruptions. However, megatronic earthquake storms will occur.

3. After Nibiru comes into being, the weather will get colder on Earth this time during its progress towards Earth. These colds can reach unbearable dimensions. Due to the fact that the weather is getting colder, we will see the migration of wild animals to other places. In the meantime, the people who come up against them will remain in the middle of danger.

4. Electrical systems, electronic devices, GPS devices, satellites, motor vehicles, the Internet and communication channels will completely and forever collapse. After Nibiru passes by, a primitive life will remain.

5. States and armies will disappear, only some societies will remain. As some people say, there is nothing consistent about Decrees like "we will become a superpower" or "we will be among those who rule the world". We will experience a process in which everything on Earth will collapse and go away.

6. The ability to find directions in animals will be lost. Therefore, we will encounter situations such as circling in flocks, inability to migrate Decently, inability to hibernate, sea creatures hitting the shore in droves, bee and bird deaths en masse.

7. Distortions and punctures in the magnetosphere will increase excessively. The spatial noises and frequencies entering the Earth from here will become stronger. Different types of noises such as screams, squeaks, trumpet sounds, screams will be heard. Some of these will be at a level that will drive people crazy.

8. The magnetic poles will shift, the Earth will turn somersaults, and the Sun will begin to rise from the west. The current directions in the seas and oceans will change. People will be dazed for a long time. Most newborn babies will have physical and spiritual terrains.

9. Displacements in continental tectonic plates can reach serious dimensions. Even only in Turkey, the Gallipoli Peninsula and the Thracian side can be thoroughly separated from the Anatolian mainland. The new tectonic plate occurring in the east of Africa continues to put pressure on the Arabian plateau. The volcanic elevations along the coastline from Antioch to Yemen can be expected to rise even higher with the pressure of the African new plate. Thus, the mountains of the Hejaz region's coastline will also rise, and the mountains will protect the Hejaz region from water walking on land.

10. As marine volcanoes become active, marine life will be severely damaged by volcanic toxic gas. Billions of sea creatures, reefs and plankton will be destroyed by toxic gases.

11. Demons and demons will appear publicly all over the world. These will fill the settlements. Human demons have already been trying for more than 100 years to cooperate with them. They perform rituals to open the dimensional doors.

12. Nibiru's voice will be heard, and many people will be harmed by it. Because of the violence of Sayha, most people will lose their minds, most of them will be deaf, most of them will be blind. Due to this, large earthquakes will occur and structures in residential areas will also be damaged.

13. The Mahdi's prayer to the sky will be heard 3 times. We think that these measures will be to relatively protect the Earth from the impact of Nibiru. Otherwise, Nibiru will destroy the Earth. Every time Nibiru passes, one of the great prophets has been alive. Even today, Hazrat.There is a Mahdi who is a descendant of Muhammad (PBUH).

14. The Great Istanbul Earthquake will occur and the city will be completely destroyed. The Istanbul Earthquake is just one of them.. There are 70% of the population of Turkey in 12 major cities located on the sea coast. All of these cities will be destroyed and gone.

15. As the globalists flee to the shelters they have built in various parts of the world, the poor peoples will face bitter realities. Russia is building shelters for its people that can accommodate millions of people. But almost everywhere in Russia will be flooded and destroyed by earthquakes. That's why the shelters that were built don't matter much either.

16. After Nibiru passes by, Turkey will transition to a cold and semi-polar climate. The vegetation will completely change. It could be tundra vegetation. That's why everyone should have ancestral seeds at hand. At least greenhouse agriculture can be done in places that are relatively warm. Those who do not have seeds will be in danger of starvation.

17. 35-40% of the area on the sea coast of Turkey will be flooded. Except for the water walking paths, it is necessary to take into account the areas that will remain like an island in the middle of the waters, turn into a lake with floods or will be flooded by the destruction of dams.

18. Electricity and internet outages will increase gradually. Municipal and government services will come to a standstill. The records belonging to the state and municipalities will disappear at once.

19. When Nibiru gets about 50 million km closer to the Earth, the electric arcs will start descending to the earth, and that's when the real disasters will happen. Because of these arcs, the life of many living beings will come to an end. The Earth and the ionosphere will be filled with excess electricity.

20. The atmosphere will turn red due to iron oxide and Nibiru's shadow. This Decapitation will last between 40-60 days. Then there will be complete darkness with a slight red turn. This will take 3-5 days. Then the weather will start to open up for 40-60 days, but the redness will continue. It may take a few months for iron oxide dust to come down from the atmosphere to the ground again.

21. The waters on Earth will be poisoned due to excessive iron oxide dust. Only the waters inside the mountains will remain clean.Jul. After Nibiru passes by, people will come into each other in order to have clean and drinkable water. Jul.

22. The northern parts of the mountains will be extremely dangerous, the southern parts will be relatively safe. Most of the pressure and atmospheric effects from Nibiru will come from the northern direction. The southern direction will be relatively better. Observations should be made against mountain collapses and landslides.

23. Dams, nuclear power plants and other power plants will meet with meteors, asteroids, fireballs from debris on Nibiru's tails due to the high electromagnetic field. The dams will burst. The waters held by the dams will also flood large tracts of land.

24. Places with metal mines will meet with meteors, asteroids, fireballs from debris in Nibiru's tails due to their magnetic attraction forces.

25. The shipment of food and beverages to the settlements will stop. There will be turmoil throughout the world. When people can't get to food and drink, they will look for alternative ways. It will become increasingly impossible to live in residential areas.

26. Televisions and radios will not work. Those who try to get news and information from here will not find anything. Anyway, since most of the TV and radio channels are owned by Globalists, they will still be in trouble for distracting people.

27. Even if the handheld radios are jammed, Nibiru can work until it gets close to Earth. However, after a while, alternative ways such as military hand signs, sign making using natural materials and communication, smoke communication can be developed.

28. Plasma discharges will occur, such as lightning strikes from the sky to the ground. These will continue in the form of storms for months.

29. People will not be able to find medicines for months and maybe even years. That's why a lot of preparers also make pharmaceutical stocks. Get it from medicines with an expiration date of 1-2 years.

30. Gravity anomalies can also be added to magnetic distortion. This can lead to various diseases and geological disturbances.

31. Most people won't understand what's going on. Some will say "hackers are causing a Blackout", some will say "Globalists are using Blue Beam", some will say "war has broken out", some will say "this is an illusion of what I saw". Those of this mind, which is unwise and imprudent, will die and go away.

32. There will be failures in land, sea and air vehicles at first, but as Nibiru approaches, they will make accidents or not work at all.

33. Thousands of tornadoes will sweep everywhere. In recent months, 16 hurricanes have erupted simultaneously in the Mediterranean Sea alone. Nothing is the same anymore. Even in Turkey, tornadoes, hurricanes, massive floods, massive earthquakes (M13 Maraş) have started to appear. The sea beaches are filled with sea water.

34. The stock market, banking, finance will completely collapse before Nibiru arrives. Those who ask "when will Nibiru come" are those who want to sell their property just in time and feel comfortable when Nibiru leaves. Also, some people ask "should I sell my property?". We are not fortune tellers, we are preparers. For us, it is not what disaster will happen when, but what we are preparing for. If you are preparing, it does not matter what will happen when. If you are not preparing, it does not matter what will happen when. We can't tell people to "buy your goods". Every person has to make his own decisions on his own and suffer the consequences of his decisions. It is necessary to stop the habit of throwing responsibility to someone else. We do not provide personal advice. If you have a lot of goods, you can sell some of them and buy gold with his money. If you have even more wealth, you can support us in our preparations. After all, people will need us even more tomorrow, as they do today. We will also be able to move within our capabilities. You cannot see ahead without a guide/leader.

36. Very unusual frequencies and sounds will occur. People will not understand where and how this came from. Such voices have been heard in many countries for the last 10 years. The USA, the UK, Iran, Turkey, Russia are some of the countries where such voices are heard. In time, these voices will be heard in all countries.

37. People will try to get a news and they will keep waiting for help to come. But it will not be both. Because everyone will be in their own trouble. That is why it is very important that you prepare yourself and unite with those who think and feel like you in structures such as OBA. He can't do anything about the bewilderment that happens alone.

38. Oil refining plants will explode. Because there are a lot of magnetic fields here too. It will attract meteors and asteroids to them. A huge oil depression is waiting for the world. It will not even be possible to run classic cars powered by oil.

39. There will be explosions at natural gas storage and urban transmission sites. The settlements will fall into complete chaos. Natural gas is very prone to explosion. In some simulations, it has been seen that more than 10,000 natural gas transmission areas could explode in Istanbul alone.

40. Those who go to underground cities, mountains, plateaus, caves and other unsafe places will have no chance. Nowadays, the magnetic field of many places has become very strong. Most of the minerals and metals found underground have been removed to the surface today. These will attract asteroids and meteorites to them.

41. Those with a heavy graphene charge on their conscience will almost attract electric arcs from Nibiru to them. Foods, medicines, cosmetics, chemicals, etc. a lot of graphene is used in it. Along with these, the amount of graphene passing into the human body is increasing every day. This poses a huge risk. Graphene is an extremely conductive substance and has magnetism. You can almost become the 12th of the sighting.

42. During the approach of Nibiru, wars between societies and countries will also break out. Dec. People's nerves will be overstretched. Psychological and neuropathic disorders will peak. Because electrical fluctuations in the atmosphere will destroy people's neural structures. In addition, bullying will also increase in the world.

43. The batteries of electric vehicles will overheat and the vehicles will catch fire. We have seen in many news reports that electric vehicles are not safe. Batteries are a very big problem. Although the new generation batteries have a great advantage, they are very dangerous due to overheating.

44. Floods will cover all parts of the world. These floods will become hundreds of meters over time. If you don't know where, how and which ways to go, your job will be very difficult. Water will be able to surround you at any moment.

45. In many places, people's lungs will be filled with dust and iron oxide dust. Lung ailments and inability to breathe will gradually increase. You may also need some chemicals and oxygen cylinders to keep your lungs clean during the approach of Nibiru.Jul. Don't forget to buy N95 and NBC masks.

46. Globalists will continue to manipulate and deceive mindless people in various ways during the development process of Nibiru. So that billions of people will die and leave, as they want..

47. Even shelters built randomly will get their share of big disasters. Because ground survey, soil analysis, analysis according to Nibiru impact factors, geological analysis, etc. shelters that can be built without being built have no meaning. Such studies require 2 weeks of personalized studies and are quite expensive. Conducting a local place analysis is an effort in itself.

48. It will be more offensive to harmful insects against humans and animals. Lyme disease will affect many people. The symptoms of Lyme disease are very severe. According to some, it consists of a bacterium transmitted by a tick to a human, and according to some, it consists of a parasite transmitted by a tick to a human. But the tick is a very serious problem. The most commonly used method in biological warfare is to release millions of ticks into nature. Tue. If you are walking in nature, you will not walk with your collar turned up, calf legs, arms and waist open. You will prefer clothes made of closed and thick fabric. At the same time, you need to learn how to remove the tick in a tick bite and what you need to do as first aid.

49. People who are not mentally strong will experience sudden and rapid forgetfulness. They will forget everything they know in an instant. Conditions such as intra-cerebral clouding, nerve traumas, sudden dementia may occur.

50. There will be a lot of people exposed to electromagnetic radiation from Nibiru and the Sun. The direct and side effects of this will be very bad. That's why you should know in advance where the safe areas are and you should have the maps.

51. States that are aware of Nibiru's approach process will recall their foreign citizens to their countries. Conscious states will provide civil defense and NBC protection trainings to their citizens, even partially. There may also be exercises related to these. Especially we need to watch Russia.

52. Everyone will be wary of their own preparations, and sharing will only be possible in communities that act together.

53. It won't matter if it's cash, cryptocurrency, or digital money. The method of shopping and/or bartering with gold will come back.

54. Those who can adapt to the new conditions will be able to survive. Nothing will ever be the same again. You have to improve yourself to adapt to new conditions. Adapting does not mean giving up on your values. It means developing methods to protect them.

55. The chances of those who are in the countryside and in a safe area will be much higher. It is also fixed with how many Hadiths. In the End times, what happens in the countryside will be more peaceful and safe than what happens in the cities.

56. There may be a chance for states that provide civil defense supplies and weapons to their people in the post-Nibiru process. Otherwise, the process of wholesale extinction begins, and the attacks of other societies on the left blood can also reach devastating levels.

57. You will never hear the facts in the globalist mainstream media. Because the orders that go to them are to put people to sleep. You won't see the facts on globalist social media either. The globalists are the enemy of all humanity, and they know that Nibiru has come to them.

58. Huge and integrated hurricanes and tornadoes will occur. The settlements will be reduced to dust in a short time.

59. Winds exceeding 700 km per hour and temperatures of 600 degrees Celsius will travel around the whole world. The weather temperature will be quite high around the world, perhaps for weeks. In the following times, there will be a gradual cooling and a mini ice age will begin. Climatic conditions will completely change.

60. Huge asteroids that will come from the debris on Nibiru's tails will fall to Earth, and these will cause fires in settlements. As piles of molten stone from these wrecks rain down from the upper atmosphere, most of the world will turn to ashes and entire continents will be engulfed in flames.

61. Tsunamis will occur in the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas between 800-1500 meters and sea waters will be able to enter up to 6-7 km inland. Dec. Hundreds of successive tsunami waves coming on top of the process of filling the sea waters to a minimum of 457 meters of land will not even allow people to breathe. On oceanic coasts, tsunamis will exceed 2000 meters.

62. More than 80% of the animal and plant life on Earth will disappear.

63. Ash rains will create piles all over the world. The Earth's land will remain under at least several meters of ash.

64. Huge rifts will occur, and deep cracks will form at a level that can separate continents. The shape of the world will change.

65. He who makes preparation, is obsessed with making preparation, takes advantage of opportunities to act together, will walk towards the future holding real and useful knowledge. If he does nothing, wastes his resources and kills his time just by talking, he will remain bewildered in chaotic times. They won't even realize what's what.


- We can cooperate with sane and faithful statesmen, commanders, managers of the strategic analysis center. Those who want to meet first-hand and the most knowledgeable person in this field, who has predictions and theses, produces projects, knows solutions, can guide and lead, and exchange through mutual support, can contact us without hearing Nibiru's Thanks. This coming is far beyond your predictions and dreams. You cannot cope with this situation with your own structures, with your current power, with the analysis of people you consider smart. The End Times is a time far beyond the knowledge and understanding of you and those around you. Especially for the Tarik / Nibiru Star, it takes expertise on its own. Such a person is perhaps the only one in the world right now. If you don't care, there is no happy ending for both the people you are responsible for and for you. It is a call to important people in all countries. The information brought to you from the right to the left is insufficient and very erroneous.

- We can cooperate with sane and faithful rich people. Those who want to meet first-hand and the most knowledgeable person in this field, who has predictions and theses, produces projects, knows solutions, can guide and lead, and exchange through mutual support, can contact us without hearing Nibiru's Thanks. This coming is far beyond your predictions and dreams. The strength, sanity, projects, shelters of the place you are connected to will never save you. There are many things that they cannot account for. You will disappear into your shelters before you even know what is what. The End Times is a time far beyond the knowledge and understanding of you and those around you. Especially for the Tarik / Nibiru Star, it takes expertise on its own. Such a person is perhaps the only one in the world right now. If you don't care, they will be responsible for you and there will be no happy ending for you. It is a call to important people in all countries.

Recommendations For Watching:

Movie: Leave the World Behind (they tied the ending badly)

Movie: Greenland: The Last Refuge

Documentary: Ancient Apocalypse


The 4 golden rules of preparedness:

- Be a good leader/guide

- Make all kinds of supplies as much as you can

- Get the necessary information and maps

- Be with those who think like you

1. What should you do during the physical preparation phase?

1. Food and beverage stock

2. Security equipment

3. Security measures, observation and keeping watch

4. Various tools and accessories

5. Communication devices: Radios

6. Developing alternative communication methods

7. Joining or forming a camp unit

8. Creating separate preparedness plans in the city and in the countryside

9. Creating an emergency bag, a first aid kit and a transit bag for the countryside

10. Buying clothes and masks for NBC

11. Making pharmaceutical stock

12. Information sources (books, documents, etc.) acquisition

2. What should you do during the Information and Map acquisition phase?

1. Learning to make a shelter

2. Learning to do camping

3. Learning where safe spaces are located

4. Creating disaster plans in writing

5. Creating an escape plan from the city

6. Acquiring important maps

Let's open the paths of understanding:

Globalists do not want their projects to be known by the people of the world. At least those who receive financial benefits from Globalists in one way or another.. Although many of the states know about Chemtrails, HAARP and Nibiru, they have banned their employees from talking about them. The USA, England, Germany are at the top of them. Because most of the states are in league with the Globalists within the scope of the New World Order project. However, you cannot expect states to raise awareness of their people about Nibiru and prepare for the well-being of their people. In this business, people will make their own way on their own. Globalists are building shelters in many countries and enrolling their own people in these shelters. Let alone a huge structure like Nibiru, taking into account major disasters and wars, states should have civil defense, act together in disasters, build shelters that can take a lot of people. But how many countries are doing such studies? If you are still in the mind of "the state will sort it out anyway", you will wait a lot. No matter where you are in the world, you are on your own. Remember that when major disasters occur, disaster rescue teams will also be exposed to the same disasters, and maybe no one will come to rescue you. According to official statements, rescue teams can reach only about 2% of people in disasters. Taking precautions against disasters is actually your duty and job. When you throw the responsibility to others and are left helpless in disasters, it does not do any good to talk about who is right or who is wrong. If you die, you will be saved, but if you don't die, you will crawl. Crawling is worse than dying at a time of great disasters.

Generator fury:

The US government has been sending "generator purchase instructions" to its institutions for 2 years. They know Nibiru is approaching. Nibiru has been followed by telescopic satellites such as Hubble, Webb, Stereo A-B, SOHO LASCO C2-C3, ISS, Euclid for many years. The Zeta Talk group receives images from some astronomers working on these satellites. From time to time, the images on these satellites are also transmitted publicly. Unwittingly or unwittingly, Nibiru is being imaged. There is also a warning in the US government's generator purchase instructions as "put it 300 meters away from your building". A precaution against a generator explosion. They also know that solar flares and electromagnetic waves coming to Earth will increase, which can explode generators. For the last 1 year, people living in countries such as Syria, Iraq, Russia have been buying generators intensively. If you want to buy a generator or a solar generator, also calculate that you may be damaged due to possible explosions. there will be much warmer times in the summer of 2024 compared to the summer of 2023. The burning and explosion of electrical appliances is not even work. Even in the shade, electrical appliances may not work due to excessive heat. Air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, fans, etc..

If you are going to buy a solar generator

- Get a monocrystalline panel

- Get outputs such as 220 Volt, 5 Volt and 12 Volt

- Buy gel batteries, do not buy batteries with new generation batteries, they get too hot

- Get your inverter at least 600 Watts and better yet 1000 Watts

- Do not pay more than necessary, manufacturers inflate prices too much (pretend to be Arab)

- If you are going to run a refrigerator, have 2 gel batteries of 105 Amps and get a system that produces 3 Kw

- When you buy one for yourself, buy one for me :) Don't just think about yourself..

Let the lowest system you will get be 600 Watts. With 600 Watts, you only provide lighting. A Decently designed 1 Kw system ranges from 15000 to 20000. You can't run a refrigerator with such a system, but you can run your led TV for 3-5 hours. A Decently designed 3 Kw system ranges from 35000 to 55000. Do not ask me personally "how is this". You're the only one, but I get 1,000 messages a day, and it's a long job to reply to everyone. If you will buy it for me, then we will see :) This is how it works.

Storage methods

There are various ways of storing the materials at your disposal. If you pay attention to these, what you get will be preserved for many years. Otherwise, they will be garbage in a year.

- Long-lasting foods: Products obtained by freeze-drying can be stored for at least 3-5 years. You can dry meat-type products by smoking. You can wrap your medicines and food in aluminum foil. You can disconnect your products from oxygen and moisture by using products consisting of oxygen-absorbing iron / iron oxide powder and moisture absorbers.

- Seeds: One of the biggest problems is the storage of seeds. Tuberous plants are stored by burying in the ground if they are to be planted next year. If you are not going to plant for at least a few years, you should find another method. One of the best methods for all kinds of seeds is to deposit the seeds into the "oak ash". At the same time, you can also use oxygen-cutting and moisture-absorbing products and store them in jars. You can get better results by putting oak ash in jars.

- Tools and equipment: The biggest problem for tools and equipment is the obsolescence of the tool and equipment due to the atomic half-life. When in contact with oxygen and humidity, the rate of wear and aging increases this time. You can wrap your car and equipment beautifully in an aluminum foil, a cloth and a bag. You can store it more beautifully by putting oxygen cutter and moisture absorber on the aluminum foil layer.

Does a single book make you wise?

I had an acquaintance many years ago. His son used to say, "My father has a book, all the knowledge in the world is in it." They were from Germany. I used to wonder if the Germans made an encyclopedia and that guy was talking about an encyclopedia. Later I found that book. It was a tourist guide. He was promoting tourist places and hotels in Turkey. I laughed at myself a lot, I didn't say anything to them.

4+4+4 let's say 12 years of compulsory education. if he studied at university for 4 years, he would do 16 years. let's say 2 years of foreign language and internship. in 18 years, a person has been reading about 300 textbooks in Turkey. After that, look for someone who will read a useful book so that you can Decipher it.. We are a country with a reputation for those who watch two videos and think they are scholars and those who do not do any proper work and fill academic seats. Is it possible for a person to resist "the star called Nibiru / Tariq, which comes every 3567 years, will bring destruction to the world, will reduce the world's population" and/or thousands of disasters and disasters in more than 200 categories that continue with a single book? Absolutely not. The Salvation Guide is the first book of your most important and basic bedside library. It is already impossible for me to fit everything into a single book. The pictures in the book are for having a general idea. No one should expect us to provide the information and maps that we have spent so much effort and money on at one time. We give the original pictures to the people we deem appropriate. Have you seen the one who gives salt and flour next to the bread? Salt and flour are used in bread making, but you pay a separate price for each of them. We have prepared the book for general information. We give other publications to the preparers we deem appropriate. Because not everyone gives the same value to our publications. Giving value is more important to us than material.

We are currently preparing support books and we will print them at the publishing house:

- Nibiru / Tariq

- Survival / Survival in Difficult Conditions

- City Disaster Plans

- Oba/ Camp Assembly Areas (except for obas)

People who put tens of thousands of pounds out of sight to buy things know for themselves if they are trying to spend some money on books that will be vital in the near future.


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