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What will happen when Nibiru arrives 3

Yazarın fotoğrafı: BAT-BulentTurgutBAT-BulentTurgut

Güncelleme tarihi: 20 Ara 2023

Teacher, I just got to know you.. I agree with what you're saying. I tried to tell the people around me, but they told me, "you've gone crazy.".

Don't worry, they told me too. I have heard the same kind of words from 1 million local and foreign people. I'm not hearing anything new. But if we looked at the mouth of the world and did business, we would be counting where we are today and we would even be in a worse situation. The Turks establish the state after the Khaganate system and after a while they hand it over to those who are not from themselves. In other words, we have become unable to maintain a job properly and virtuously.

Hz. And his people said to Noah, "crazy." Who drowned and went to hell?

In the Hadiths, Hazrat. Tariq / Nibiru / Wormwood / Hercolubus/ 12, which is included in Ali's Sermons, the narrations of Islamic elders, the Bible, the Torah, the Kolbrin Bible, the narrations of various civilizations and is said to bring destruction to the world. A special structure called by names such as Planet/ Second Sun/ Nemesis Red is approaching the earth. Whether people agree or not.. Hz. And the people of Noah did not believe in him. "Heedless sleep" is like that. The truth is kept away from those who will be destroyed.

How smart can people be who leave even the most important decisions of their life at the mercy of others? Isn't it always like this?

I don't care what other people think. I'm walking the right way I know. The sources I refer to are solid. i have been doing scientific and scientific research and analysis for 3 years. Will I know, or those who have an empty day? I've been reading and researching until the morning for 43 years. I know more than 17.5 million concepts from 34 different branches of science. I think I'm a little different from others.

If you intend to make preparations, here is information, maps and obas.. Take precautions before electricity and internet go. they say it will start from the beginning of 2024. Maybe after a while he won't come at all. According to him..

Do not get stuck on the same kind of issues and unnecessarily inflate my head :) Either you will accept insanity or you will perish. It's that simple. Where the crazy are the majority, they call the smart crazy..

They didn't offer us life on a golden platter. There are risks in every area of life. Those who take risks that you do not take, live the life that you want. Either you face the risk and live as a precaution, or you ignore the risks and put up with what's going to happen to you.

For the last 3 years, I have been working in many fields such as General Disaster and Risk Analysis, Safe Area Studies, Nibiru, Traditional Healing, Natural Stones, World Conservation Alliance, Turkutopia Obas, Turkish Cities and Countries of the World Disaster Risk Analysis, End Times Research and Observations, Turkish Community of Preparators, Ancestral Agriculture. You spend both serious time, budget and effort in every work you do. I could not think of my own comfort when the world was going to great destruction. This nation was left orphaned and orphaned. At least at this time, someone from the ancient Turkish lineage needed support. Either I was going to take care of my own comfort, or I was going to start from ground zero and give accurate and useful information to my people. Of course, when you enter into an endeavor in this country, there are not many people who support you, and there are many who try to prevent you with jealousy, envy and inability. Those who look with prejudices, those who are attached to perverted and absurd ideas, those who are hostile to correct and useful information, those who are dressed up as servants of the devil, those who are hostile to their own nation, those who engage in moral corruption, those who take up human slapping, those who turn to emotional agitation when they give a little face, those who try to hit you from behind are very much in this country.. There are also well-intentioned and sane people from Allah, but very few.. Either I was going to mind my own arbitrary affairs, or I was going to fight with all these unnecessary people and face a lot of risks that would arise. I took a risk and went for it. 5-6 times I received phone calls and messages originating from the USA, Canada, Israel. I've been offered millions of dollars for my work. Of course I didn't. Because the men were going to take my works and they weren't going to give them to our people. It was going to go to rich Globalists. Struggling with all these people and not being able to take time for myself has also led to illnesses in me. Stress, hard work, fatigue.. Despite all this, the person who calls me "crazy" has no mind at all. I'm crazy about my job. I have gone over the things that have not been dared in the fields of Biology, History and Turkology until now. I have done much more scientific, logical and useful studies. And also in the Turkish way.. No matter what anyone says. Do not forget the word "the last laugh is a good laugh". Do not sit down with the foolish people who have turned life into hell while you are in this world, and do not take reason from them.

It means that he who gives you reason, mocks you, looks at you as crazy does not respect you, your values, your mind and your efforts. There is not much of an ignorant person who has read and an idiot who thinks he is smart at the moment.. Even Allah warns us: "Do not go the way most people go, they will lead you astray from your way" and "most people are unintelligent" and genius "most people act on conjecture (because he thinks so, wants to)". What more do you expect us to say?

Will those who say a lot of words to you help you tomorrow when you are in a difficult situation, or will they be able to take your blame? Let's stop talking nonsense and get busy with our studies. The one with the mouth is talking idly..

Stage by stage the near future

I've told you before. The Illuminati's henchmen, the Globalists, and the Illuminati fathers have been retreating to their hideouts for several years. Those who walk around the square are their double.. the year 2024 will be very difficult, they know that they are retreating to their shelters now. If they're doing something on Conspiracy Theories, why would they go down to their bunkers? These are guys who are already extremely protected. They are aware of Nibiru and now they know that standing in the square is a risk. For him, they retreat to their shelters and guarantee themselves. Our Muslims also mock by saying, "Allah will kill them in their shelters." Because that's all they do. No one is saying, "Let's take measures too." A lot of people who consider themselves married..

1. Stage: People becoming aware of the possibility, creating confusion and rebelling against them.

2. Stage: The globalists are distracting and deceiving people by covering up Nibiru. They will protect the order and exploitation they have established until the end.

3. Stage: Continue to be put to sleep by the appearance of Nibiru and the manipulation of those who create Conspiracy Theories.

4. Stage: The process of destruction. Everything will happen before people understand what is happening.

5. Stage: The sun rises from the west. Few people see the rising Sun. New struggles begin.


Some still say "when will the effects of Nibiru end" and "when will Nibiru pass away". Some people ask "when will the big effects of Nibiru start". The effects of Nibiru have been going on for 800 years. You do not consider what happens without a disaster on your own doorstep and a stone hitting on your own head as a disaster. You don't research and study disasters. For him, everything seems normal to you too. When human beings lost their morality, faith, consciousness, honor, that's when disasters and catastrophes appeared all over the world and gradually their power increases with the number of disasters. Disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, megatronic earthquakes, massive floods did not happen in our country until yesterday, but today we have seen each of them one after the other. It's because people are not doing well in the time we live in. God's mercy and protection have been lifted up. Attacks on good and righteous people, persecution of scholars, considering blasphemy normal, disrespect for real science and science, religious disorder, violation of human vital rights, satan's leading the world to disaster, people's silence on evil, widespread immorality, haram is considered halal, rudeness and stylistic disorder, human becoming unqualified and ignorant, education brings harm rather than benefit, hypocrisy and hypocrisy are the main factors of the point we have reached today.

1. Nibiru's Magnetic Field, the Magnetofer Field, is more than 7.5 billion km in circumference. This is also the Electromagnetic Field of Action.

Environment = 2 x π x r

O = 7.5 billion km if 7.5 = 2 x 3.14 x r

Radius r = 1.2 billion km

Diameter 2r = 2.4 billion km

In other words, the Star of Tariq affects a circular area with a rough draft of 2.4 billion km diameter with electromagnetic waves. There is not only one planet / star in the Tariq Star Complex; there are 150+ planets, 13 major satellites (each 2 times the size of Earth), 3 25 million km long tails, thousands of asteroids and billions of tons of tail debris materials (petro-oils, rocks, fire, iron dust). So it is not an ordinary structure.

Close 1. Area of Impact: 1.2 billion km

Middle 2. Area of Impact: 0.8 billion km

Away 3. Area of Impact: 0.4 billion km

These calculations belong to the time when there is a distance of 200 million km between Nibiru and the Earth. Dec. With these effect values, the rate of feeling of living beings on Earth will increase as Nibiru approaches the Earth.

2. Nibiru's orbital length is 3567 years. 1600 years of this are spent in our Star System (Solar System), 1000 years in the Twin Star System (Nemesis System) and 1000 years in the Decadent dark zone. In other words, the effects of Nibiru on our Solar System for 800 years during its arrival and 800 years during its departure are very large.

3. Nibiru's appearance pattern changes every 100 years and its impact pattern changes every 30 years. Therefore, those who live in different centuries and generations may feel its effects in different ways.

4. While Nibiru is in our Solar System, it approaches and moves away from the Earth 20-25 times in 3-dimensional space. Therefore, the effects are not always at the same level. But about 5 of them are much more intense, and 1-2 times they are at the level of multiplication.

5. It is likely that Nibiru will crash first in a few years before leaving our Solar System and cause great destruction, but about 40 years after that it will crash again and bring about the end of the Earth. Nibiru's Black Hole structure will swallow up the Earth and surrounding debris. The world will melt like a candle.

When will Nibiru arrive?

The best information about this is Hazrat.It is written in Ali's Al-Bayan Sermon. Information about this Sermon you can reach from the section.

1. According to the Lunar Calendar, in the middle of Ramadan, the sayha, that is, the noise of the Star of Tariq, is heard. The tail of the Tariq Star or one of its moons will pass very close to the Earth. Many people will lose their minds, many people will become blind, many people will become deaf, many people will have heart attacks and strokes out of fear.

2. 1st of the month of Ramadan. and the day in the middle should fall on Friday. The Friday of Tariq will appear on the second Friday after the morning prayer and during the period after the Friday prayer.

3. As soon as the sayha is heard, you should prostrate and recite the prayer of Subhun Kuddus and repent.

4. According to the Lunar Calendar, in the month of Safer, that is, 3-4 months after sayha, the Star of Tariq appears and huge disasters begin to occur now. The ground moves from.

5. The Earth collides with the Star of Tariq within 40-60 days after the formation of the Star of Tariq. There are 3 different theories about the collision. The most merciful is mine. During this process, the sky turns completely red and it gradually gets dark. Because the Star of Decadence falls between the Sun and the Earth. The Star of Tariq is 20 times larger than the Earth and has a very scary appearance.

6. As of the Earth collision with Tariq, it will be dark for 3 full days.

7. The Star of Tariq will allow it to move away first within 40-60 days.

8. The great effects of the Tariq Star will last for at least 7 years.

9. It will take 800 years for the effects of the Tariq Star to disappear.

In short, the events that will occur during the contact stages of the Star of Tariq with the Earth:

This is also happening right now.. You don't want to see it on your own doorstep without disaster. That's the main thing.. But he is also close.

1. Acid rains

2. Petro oil flows

3. Asteroid and Fireball rains

4. Rains of iron oxide powder

5. Violent noises and frequencies

6. Megatronic earthquakes

7. The eruption of most of the volcanoes in the world

8. Excessive rainfall and floods

9. Drought and thirst

10. Complete melting of polar and mountain glaciers

11. Walking by water from the seas to the lands

12. Successive gigantic tsunamis

13. Successive gigantic hurricanes

14. The movement of continental tectonic plates

15. Mountain collapses

16. Landslides

17. Landslides

18. Opening of obruks

What is expected to happen in a few years before the arrival of Tariq:

1. Internal upheavals and wars in Pre-Asia

2. Major earthquakes in Palestine and Syria

3. 2 Solar and 2 Lunar eclipses in the same year

4. Cases where there is no shadow falling on the Kaaba outside the normal

5. Pests and flooding of the Kaaba

6. The flourishing of the Arabian deserts

7. Formation of lakes in the Arabian deserts

8. Despite the fact that it rains in many places, there is drought and thirst

9. There are 2 huge columns of fire (plasma discharges) in the east and west

10. Decoction of 30 major volcanoes between Chile-Italy-Indonesia

11. The increase of megatronic (M9+) earthquakes worldwide

12. The Decadence of fights between people

13. Wandering into the settlements of evil jinn and demons

14. The increase of cruelty and immorality in Muslim lands

15. The rise of the false mahdi

16. The increase of ignorance in people (who have read)

17. Unusual and increasing noise coming from the sky

18. Painting the sky red (sky phenomena)

Is Nibiru definitely coming? Can't he get away from the world?

People ask a lot of questions, but they don't prepare at all. They immediately become demoralized, but they forget that conscious people will survive. People hope to be saved by praying, but they forget that prayer is subject to effort. People again leave everything to Allah, but they do not think about how much they are able to become Muslims. After all, Allah protects true Muslims, not hypocrites. You will achieve nothing by hiding behind excuses and staying away from the truth.

The answer to the question "will Nibiru definitely come" is "yes". Because Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sumerian, Mayan, Egyptian, Turkish, Chinese sources refer to it as a "destructive planet" and a "celestial body with divine properties". This star/planet will definitely come and will greatly reduce the Earth's population. It is the beginning and the first major development of the great events of the End Times.

The answer to the question "can Nibiru not pass by the Earth" is "no". Because "soil stress" has been detected every 3500 years in 30000 (thirty thousand) annual Geological Soil Layer surveys in 7-8 different parts of the world. I have shared this report before. So every time Nibiru came, he made the mother of the Earth cry. Even the geological structure has changed.

The subject of the Great Istanbul Earthquake

Some people claim that the so-called "Great Istanbul Earthquake" will not happen and that "Globalists are telling an earthquake lie to empty Istanbul". We are saying that this earthquake will happen during the arrival of the Star of Tariq. Of course, Allah knows the unseen. These are all guesses.

Globalists do not need such things to empty Istanbul. They make the mother of the economy cry, people can't get along and leave. This is already happening. I didn't see anyone who was afraid of the earthquake and left. Because there has been no decrease in the population of Istanbul so far, there has been an increase. There are many people who have left cities due to the omens of the End Times, the danger of closure by Globalists and the danger of famine. There are foreigners everywhere, moral corruption is widespread, slapping has become a profession, and they smoke drugs in the middle of the street. People don't want to live in such unsafe places.

Let's say that the expected earthquake did not happen.. Is it easy to live in these conditions of Istanbul? there are more than 52 million people in the city every 1 day.. What will happen if a great famine or war starts? in the 1970s, it had a population of 1.5 million. Let's say the expected earthquake happened.. Where, when, and how are you going to evacuate so many people? Will you be able to take the blame of all these people? On the Day of Reckoning, "why did you mislead people, why did you interfere with their free will?" won't they ask?

Unfortunately, there is no real Earthquake Science specialist in Turkey either. The Russian Earthquake Scientists are much better than ours. Our people do not take into account the fault lines passing through the Black Sea and the volcanoes in the Black Sea at all.

Do not reconcile everything with the subject of Planning either. What does the earthquake have to do with that process or other issues? Flat Earthers also constantly made broadcasts saying, "liquid lovers would be much happier if we didn't resist the Globalists." But a lot of people who were undecided also looked at the state of those idiots and the nonsense they were telling and said, "are we going to believe these idiots or science" and became liquid. In fact, Flat Earthers have done evil to people and have fallen into the hands of Globalists. In fact, they made a "Controlled Opposition". Moreover, they also confused people's minds with empty things. This led to intellectual Decoupling and conflicts between people. The liquid opposites who believed in that nonsense and the liquid opposites who did not believe in it thoroughly diverged from each other. In other words, Flat Earthers have committed "separatism". Deists, Agnotists, Those who Reject Hadiths, Atheists, etc. it's time for the Decider. The nation was divided from a thousand and one pieces into a million coins. Come and unite this nation for a purpose. Already, a lot of strange people have emerged who are moving away from Turkish national and spiritual values, are afraid and hate. There are those among us who are secret or obvious enemies of Turks and Turkishness.

If you bend and twist the facts so that some circles will like it, you will stay under those facts. And no one will extend a hand to you. The truth is not shaped according to people's tastes and assumptions.

What we have seen recently

People and animals with a graphene load and gene therapy fluids in their body are struggling with psychosomatic and neuropathic diseases. Those who do not have a graphene load in their body are more balanced and peaceful within themselves and in their social relationships. In addition, those who have a graphene load in their body have a lot of organ tissue and blood cell damage. Such people prefer people who do not have a graphene load in organ and blood transfusions, and they can accept even theirs up to 50% at most. Those who are loaded with graphene are struggling with more than 2000 side effects and diseases in 13 separate categories. Not to mention sudden deaths..

The animals cannot hibernate and they come down to settlements looking for food. Thus, they pose a great risk to humans and stray animals. It has also been stated in some hadiths that wild animals will descend on cities when the day comes. Great care should be taken in the subsequent process. Because the troubles will gradually increase.

What doesn't happen even when a "side effect" occurs, such as just "electricity going out"?

- When municipal services stop, there is no stopping in settlements

- Epidemics come one after another Decently

- He can't find food and drinks for people

- Looters may appear

- No water can be found for use

- The Internet and access stops, people cannot access information

And that's not enough.. Access to the Internet will soon become difficult. However, access to many popular websites will become difficult and there will be excessive supervision. Some platforms will be fully paid. Access to information will not be possible because all kinds of things related to information will be blocked. You will live, think and learn the way globalists want. You won't be able to do anything beyond that.

What have I done?

Those who claim that I didn't do anything don't read and understand my posts. Because their minds are on the belly-beating uncles on TikTok.. They have a demonic reaction to accurate and proper information. If we look at each person's separate words and mind, we can't do anything.

Understanding the End Times: more than 30000 pages of articles and 10000+ videos

Globalists' games: more than 25000 pages of writing, 5000+ patents and 5000+ videos

Information about Nibiru: 10000+ shares and 2000+ videos

Analysis and commentary: 5000+ pages of articles and 2000+ videos

Intelligence and intellect are not the same thing. Intelligence is the ability to create practical solutions in the face of possible situations. It is possible for you to direct intelligence in the satanic direction or in the Merciful direction. Those who lead to the satanic direction are those who try to have an idea without knowledge, that is, those who produce a lot of words. Those who lead in a merciful direction are those who try to learn knowledge, improve themselves and their society. If the mind is; the source of your truths is the spiritual power of making the most correct decisions that you will make for your orientations in accordance with the information and experiences that you have acquired according to your reference areas (national, spiritual and religious values, culture, mentality, ideals, interests, morality) and showing patience in applying those decisions. Either the mind exists or it does not exist. The number of smart people is very small.

With all this going on, it wouldn't have happened if we hadn't told what was happening and what was expected. The fact that we have told you many things is for you to "unite" and "prepare". Pay paying 2000 TL per month for cigarettes, paying 1500 TL per month for internet and communication, arbitrarily spending 1000 TL per month for those who say, "I don't have any money anyway"; most of them pay 2000 TL per month for cigarettes, spend 1500 TL per month on internet and communication. But they are competing to pass words to us on the Internet. If they were really poor, they wouldn't even be able to access the Internet anyway. They do not have the will, courage and effort to do something. They hide behind excuses and excuses.

I have explained the stages of disaster preparedness many times. What happened during the first two of these stages:

1. Obtaining necessary and useful information and maps: we have presented our work all over the world for this

2. To gain the mentality of fighting together in times of disaster as a union/community: We have created oba/camp organizations for this purpose

They expect that;

- Someone should set up tents and invite people to make them comfortable.

- Have him prepare huge shelters and direct people there.

- Let others prepare all kinds of needs and even vehicles should be removed to oba areas.

- Let others take care of knowledge, thinking and preparation issues.

The states can fulfill your wishes, but there is no state that works like this. In other words, whatever you do yourself, it will remain profitable for you. At a time when taxes will be levied even for "breathing" and "living", those who are waiting for everything to work itself out are dreaming empty dreams. I am the one who has done the most comprehensive work in the world in the field of preparedness. You wouldn't normally find these studies if you gave a million dollars. But some of them still continue to be ungrateful. They say, "You are not showing us the way, you are not creating solutions." For how many years have they been selling me by distorting the word "I am the only one who produces realistic and practical solutions". I'm sorry that I couldn't build huge and luxurious bunkers and invite you. Even we, when the chaotic process begins, we will dig our own dugout in nature and enter into it. That's what you're going to do, too. Don't expect someone else to take care of everything. Even if your courage, determination to fight, will, mind are not enough, do not deal with these issues and do not try to break the determination of others.

Every time I share something "socializing-oriented", someone immediately tweets and tries to demoralize us. Be constructive, developer and rational at once.. Make a small contribution of information to these studies as well. Search the Internet and bring a few lines of something. It does not happen and remains reluctant. Only attitudes that will provoke people to each other are exhibited.

What are our works and what are they not?

The things I have said since I started my studies are obvious:

1. Allah is the Savior, we are only people who act as a precaution.

2. Our work gives no guarantees to anyone. We provide valuable information and it guides you in doing your own research and studies.

3. We do not make excessive sentences. After listening to what we have told, do not listen to those who combine what they have received from us with their own corrupt thoughts and do not confuse and disrupt your faith.

4. We do not adopt perverted and criminal beliefs and ways of thinking. Those who are not parallel with our belief and way of thinking cannot understand us.

5. We use the Internet not for socializing purposes, but to tell accurate and useful information. That's why we don't respond to every word you say.

6. I have shared thousands of social media posts and thousands of pages of posts for three years. If you're not reading, it's not my fault.

7. I am the only one who shows and tells the solution. But if you are looking for solutions that do not compromise your comfort, you will not find it anywhere.

8. We are not trying to make people like us. The truth does not work for many people or touches their interests.

9. Anyone who does not have faith and trust in the issues we are talking about should not deal with them at all.

10. It is forbidden to share or discuss our publications and topics related to obas with others on the Internet or in real life.

11. Oba structures or Preparatory subjects are not for socialization purposes. It is intended as a precaution to be used for difficult times. Since everyone's condition is different and not everyone's level is the same, the socialization work will happen after moving to OBA fields. It is a waste of time to try something that has been tried many times and has not happened again.

All the time, people have struggled with natural conditions, wars and destruction. In these times, smart, wise, clairvoyant and faithful guides showed people the way. Prophets, married people and other spiritual functionaries are like this. Guided and leading people have worked and shown patience in order to protect the order of Allah and nature in the world. When those guides and leaders were absent or excluded, societies perished. Allah showed mercy and help to people who have sincere faith and are not fond of comfort. They also had no guarantees. Even Nemrut Hazrat.When he was about to launch Ibrahim (as) with a catapult, Gabriel (as) came and said, "Allah is asking if he has a request from me." Hz.Ibrahim (as) said, "Does Allah know about my situation?" he asked. Gabriel (as) said, "Yes, there is." Hz.Ibrahim (as) said, "Then I don't need to say anything, Allah will make the best decision about me." In fact, this tells about his devotion to Allah, whom he loves, his trust, and his readiness for all kinds of efforts. Even though he is a prophet, Hazrat.And Abraham (as) had no guarantee either. But the place where he was catapulted by the wisdom of Allah turned into water, and Allah protected him. If he had not striven as a prophet and a human being, Allah would not have given him his support. Just like the Prophet.As he did to Moses (as).. Hz.Moses and Pharaoh fought in front of the viziers. Pharaoh said, "Let's make a race with you, whichever of us is right will prevail." They would both throw their wands to the ground and the wands would fight. At that time, the subjects of alchemy and magic were quite well known. Pharaoh hanged himself from the ceiling by his feet that night and did not sleep until morning. He said to Allah, "O Almighty Creator! I know and accept your existence. But it feels good to my soul that people see me as a god. Your power is sufficient for everything. Make me victorious over Moses tomorrow," he stopped. Hz.But Moses (as) said, "I am a prophet, of course Allah will make me victorious" and fell asleep. When morning came, the two of them faced each other and threw their wands on the ground. The two wands turned into two snakes and they got into a fight. Pharaoh's staff has been defeated. Hz.Moses (as) was very surprised at this situation. Hz.If Moses (as) had prayed at least like Pharaoh, he would have prevailed, but he left the effort out of his hands. God has taught him and other people a lesson. If you don't learn such lessons from history, the same things will keep repeating.

Our work does not guarantee you anything. There is no one in the world who can give guarantees in the face of disasters and catastrophes. Our work is to take action immediately before large and chaotic disasters start and to protect our lives as best as possible. What we call Oba is not a facility, it is an organization. If it was plant work, it would be real estate. We don't deal with such things. If you are going to dream, it should be logical and in line with your budget. Because if you are waiting for shelter, facilities, services, you will have to pay quite high fees. We don't have such studies anyway. Information files and maps are provided about the oba structure where everyone can participate and take their bag and go, as well as what to do and how to do it. What you will get from us is knowledge. Some people dream like this; they will be taken from their homes by cars, taken to an area where there are tents, boilers will boil there, people will sit in the corner and everything will come in front of them.. The dream is beautiful, but it's not real. These things happen on TV shows. Moreover, a hair tent costs more than 150,000 TL today. If you put things in it, he will find 500,000 TL. And the place where it will be installed is worth 1-2 million along with its garden. So the bill for your dream will be 2-2.5 million. We don't deal with such things. By following the path followed by our ancestors, we ensure unity with the organization of the camp and the consciousness of the duty of our ancestors. No matter how much we tell the truth, people bring to their minds what they are watching on TV shows and shift their heads in different directions. But they don't think about the costs at all. Creating a system that does not require expenses is not a job that everyone can do. Being in a stable shelter in case of major chaotic disasters protects you up to 40% at most. You can see in the videos how the houses in the USA were shattered when the hurricane came out. Most Americans have shelters in their homes, but those shelters are also destroyed in large-category hurricanes. That's why it's best to get away from the area that is a major hurricane immediately. If you know the factors that make up hurricanes, you can mark safe areas on your map in this regard. That's what we do too. Thanks to science and reason, we have analyzed the factors and determined the safe places. Of course, there are no guarantees of anything. However, there is a big difference between standing right in the middle of a hurricane and standing far away. Dec. Our studies provide you with advantages and information. After that, it is for you to make your personal disaster action plan and make some preparations in the context of camping. You will not find a system that brings everything in front of you.

It is forbidden to share our publications and information about the obas with their heads on the Internet or in real life and to make them the subject of discussion.

1. In a time of great and chaotic disasters and catastrophes, you come across formations of different types and different strengths that trigger each other consecutively or each other. It is difficult to understand what these are and to fight against them. Disasters and disasters such as floods, volcanic eruptions, megatronic earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, asteroid rains, landslides, landslides, sinkholes and land collapses, walking water from the sea to the land, shifting and splitting of tectonic plates, massive solar flares, electric arcs from space are the things we will see the most. You can be in the middle of a disaster or disaster in an instant. In this case, it is of great importance that you know what to do and where to go. In addition, you also need to know which unsafe areas should not be stopped or pass through unsafe areas against possible disasters and disasters. Our work provides you with these. Of course, you can create your personal disaster plan by making your personal disaster risk assessment by thinking about our studies yourself.

2. Oba structure is a more practical, more economical, more rational and tried method compared to other Preparatory School methods. You cannot resist large and chaotic disasters and catastrophes alone or with your family. However, you can make a common struggle by coming together with people who have intelligence and effort who want to fight against disasters. Dec. Many people do not know what to eat in nature, how to light a fire, how to make a shelter, how to set up a tent, how to live, how to fight a bug. At the same time, security, food, daily tasks that need to be done, gardening, health, etc. and many tasks cannot be performed by a single person or a family. But people in the oba environment can overcome problems by doing division of labor. When large and chaotic disasters start, people who move to safe areas will hopefully have ensured their safety up to 80%. another 20% will be shaped by your analyses based on observing and following daily developments. Even if not always, it may be necessary to change the location of the oban from time to time. Dec. There may be an increased probability that some disasters of different types will come in the direction you are. In this case, you may need to retreat to a safer place. However, when you build a shelter, you will not have the will and ability to move to another place. Oba is more flexible and safe than other Preparer methods. However, remember that there is no such area or facility as oba in normal times, the oba will be established after you go to the assembly area and meet with others, and you will be assigned tasks according to your ability in oba. One of the advantages of joining Obaya is that once you join, you stay for life. The expense that you will make in the following times is the camping equipment that you will buy for yourself. Some people ask questions such as "how does comfort await us when we go to the oba field". We are concerned with protecting our lives, not with our comfort. We will not go to the assembly areas for the establishment of the oba without showing the face of a big and chaotic disaster. When the day comes, we will take our belongings in our backpacks and go to the assembly area for the installation of the oba and we will install the oba. Nothing will be waiting for us where we are going. Since there are ravages and troubles brought by disasters in the places where we live, we will throw ourselves next to people we can trust. In chaotic times, wild animal attacks, looters, organ mafia, thieves, malicious people happen everywhere. When demolitions occur, state and municipal services stop. Then you can't stop at the settlements either. Epidemics, hunger, famine, filth, turmoil surround everywhere. Moreover, if megatronic earthquakes occur, all the buildings will collapse. Only wrecks remain in the middle. And no one wants to live in a wreck and wait. Do not expect help in big and chaotic times. Because the same disasters will happen to people who can help. When you are left alone, it is a great blessing to leave your place immediately and move to the oba area and create a campground with people who have reached there. Disasters will be able to be overcome much easier in obas where there are people with various professions and skills. Although we have tried many times before, we do not allow participants to meet each other until they go to the obas, because people have failed to meet each other and listen to each other. We also do not conduct disaster drills. We do not have such a mission and goal. We can't expect a lot of people to come to the oba areas and set up camps at a lot of expense. Not everyone has the economic condition to remove it. What we are doing is organizing, that is, making arrangements for people who cannot communicate on their own and form a community to unite. Participation is created with information files, maps, IDs, passwords, call codes.


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