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WTHIGO -- What the Hell is Going On.. -EN

Yazarın fotoğrafı: BAT-BulentTurgutBAT-BulentTurgut

The globalists are really determined to make hell. What's going on? We said that there would be no dead people rising from their graves while we were waiting for Zombie Attacks. People are being zombified. Along with liquids, graphene and nanochips began to dominate people's brains. The greatest evidence of these is that in normal time, silence, haze, or calm, and at the slightest tension, it has reached the point of mercilessly killing people. So living liquid people were transformed into zombies. They are normally extremely calm, but at the slightest stimulation they become deadly. Of course, the seeds of evil that exist inside people even in normal times have made people even worse after liquefaction. While the good behavior of people who are not liquefied and of good character is getting stronger, the bad behavior of people who are liquefied and of bad character is getting worse. Although they are not liquefied, the bad ones also become aggressive on the one hand, because they form an electric field neurolink with the liquefied ones. The screens of the devices can also function as the distribution mechanism of this neurological network. You don't necessarily have to be side by side with people. Globalist social networks and websites upload strange frequency and subliminal images/sounds to people.. Don't you believe us? Then check out the skates that the guys bought.

People are unresponsive, reckless, enjoying themselves despite all this, they live. They don't want their comfort disturbed. People with a strong and positive energy field are abandoned by people with a malignant spirit and bad character, they move away from them. Because evil demons and demons, the dark soul, graphene-neuron integrations brought by liquids, black magic have taken people captive. It is also used in Chemtrails, DEW and HAARP. Humanity is under threat in a way that it never expected and that many people will not understand. There are conflicts not only in the material world, but also in the spiritual world. Perverted beliefs such as Materialism, Satanism, Capitalism, Atheism, Deism are becoming widespread. Because even the genes that affect the belief in God are deteriorating.

1. The Antichrist and Globalists are performing Satanist rituals and black magic

2. Jews do black magic, especially on Turks

3. Zionists and the Illuminati are practicing cruel Human Engineering on Muslim Turks

4, Zionists and the Illuminati are practicing brutal Social Engineering on Muslim Turks

5. Zionists and Illuminati apply cruel Psychological Guidance Techniques, Subliminal Messages/Brainwashing, Perception Management Projects on Muslim Turks

6. Zionists and the Illuminati are implementing brutal Propaganda Management Projects on Muslim Turks

7. Zionists and the Illuminati are applying brutal Biological, Chemical and Nuclear Attack Techniques on Muslim Turks

8. Zionists and the Illuminati are applying cruel Harmful Frequency Uploads/Disbelief on Muslim Turks

9. Nephilim Jinn are flocking to Earth via Ley Power Lines and are merging with their Earth jinn relatives and filling up settlements. We have also received information from some people of the ahl al-Sufism on this issue. They also say that jinn and devils have filled their settlements. "The world is darker now than it has ever been.." they say.

All this turns your world into hell and leads to the return of your hereafter to hell.

They take your mind and your intellect away from you.


1. US 6091994 A. Manipulación sistema nervioso pulsos.

2. US 6488617 B1. Dispositivo para estado cerebral deseado.

3. US 7629918 B2. Energía dirigida por radiofrecuencia.

4. US 6470214 B1. Dispositivo efecto auditivo por RF.

5. US 3393279. Dispositivo de excitación del sistema nervioso.

6. US 3951134. Alterar remotamente las ondas cerebrales.

7. US 4395600. Mensajes subliminales auditivos.

8. US 4834701. Reducción de frecuencia en ondas cerebrales.

9. US 4858612 A. Simulación audición mamíferos microondas.

10. US 4877027 A. Audición por microondas.

11. US 5123899 A. Sistema para alterar la conciencia

12. US 5159703 A. Sistema subliminal silencioso.

13. US 5356368 A. Inducir estados de conciencia.

14. US 6587729 B2. Comunicar el habla con Radio Frecuencia.

15. US 6052336 A. Sonido audible ultrasónico.

16. US 6011991 A. Análisis de ondas cerebrales.

17. US 5889870 A. Método acústico heterodino.

18. US 5507291 A. Determinar remotamente estado emocional.

19. US 3393279 A. Excitación del sistema nervioso.

20. US 3647970 A. Simplificar onda de transmisión del habla.

21. US 8579793 B1. Afectar ondas 🧠 sobre el cableado línea ⚡️.

22. US 20140309484 A1. Entrenamiento cerebral.

23. US 64886117 B1. Estado cerebral deseado.

24. US 6506148 B2. Manipulación del sistema nervioso por CEM.

25. US 6487531 B1. Voz inaudible a audible.

26. US 6426919 B1. Dispositivo movil producir sonidos audibles.

27. US 6292688 B1. Análisis estímulos q generan emociones.

28. US 6239705 B1. Seguimiento electrónico intraoral.

29. US 6167304 A. Manipulación del CEM sistemas nerviosos.

30. US 20130001422 A1. Monitorización remota de condiciones físicas.

31. US 7811234 B2. Método y dispositivo de teledetección.

32. US 4924744 A. Generar sonido a través de baja frecuencia

33. US 4616261 A. Generar mensajes visuales subliminales.

34. US 4395600 A. Mensajes subliminales auditivos.

35. US 9433789 B2. Estimulación 🧠 modulación neural remota.

36. US 8892208 B2. Estimulación neural de circuito cerrado.

37. US 5788648 A. Electroencephalografo estímulos cuánticos.

38. US 7689272 B2. Huellas dactilares cerebrales.

39. US 7609001 B2. Magnetrón producción de radiación óptica.

40. US 4700068 A. Controlar un Junto de partículas.

41. US 7405834 B1. Imágenes mejoradas armas DEW.

42. US 20120274147. Transmisión inalámbrica ⚡

43. US 8049173 B1. Generador de imágenes DEW.

44. US 2860627 A. Estimulador fótico de patrón.

45. US 2995633 A. Medios para ayudar a la audición

46. US 3566347 A. Proyector psicoacústico.

47. US 20020002464 A1. Detección telefónica de emociones.

48. US 8965770 B2. Detección emoción en un call center.

49. US 7282727 B2. Energía dirigida por Jun de electrons.

50. US 20080282817 A1. Monitoreo Remoto de Estructuras Fijas.

51. US 8362884 B2. Gestión de la energía EM radiante.

52. US 20120104282 A1. Seguimiento de objetivos.

53. US 20090193344 A1. Estado de ánimo de la comunidad.

54. US 5551879 A. Máquina enseñanza del estado de los sueños.

55. US5954630 A. Sonido audible inductor de FM theta

56. US 5330414 A. Apparato inductor de ondas cerebrales

57. US 3951134. Alterar remotamente las ondas cerebrales.

58. EP 2113063 A1. Sistema de enfoque actual para un dispositivo de negación activo.


1. USA 6091994 A. Nervous system manipulation pulses.

2. USA 6488617 B1. Device for the desired brain state.

3. USA 7629918 B2. Energy directed to radiofrequency.

4. USA 6470214 B1. The auditory effect of the device with RF.

5. USA 3393279. An excitation device of the nervous system.

6. USA 3951134. Change the brain waves remotely.

7. USA 4395600. Subconscious auditory messages.

8. USA 4834701. Reduction of the frequency in brain waves.

9. USA 4858612 A. Simulation microwaves hearing mammals.

10. USA 4877027 A. Microwave hearing.

11. USA 5123899 A. The system of changing consciousness

12. USA 5159703 A. The silent subconscious system.

13. USA 5356368 A. To induce states of consciousness.

14. USA 6587729 B2. Transmit the conversation by radio frequency.

15. USA 6052336 A. Ultrasonic audible sound.

16. USA 6011991 A. Brain wave analysis.

17. USA 5889870 A. Heterodyne acoustic method.

18. USA 5507291 A. Determine the emotional state from a distance.

19. USA 3393279 A. Stimulation of the nervous system.

20. USA 3647970 A. Simplify the speech transmission wave.

21. USA 8579793 B1. 🧠 Affects the waves on the wiring line ⚡️.

22. USA 20140309484 A1. Brain training.

23. USA 64886117 B1. The desired brain state.

24. USA 6506148 B2. Manipulation of the nervous system with EMF.

25. USA 6487531 B1. No sound is being heard, no sound is being heard.

26. USA 6426919 B1. A mobile device for producing audible sounds.

27. USA 6292688 B1. Analyze the stimuli that produce emotions.

28. USA 6239705 B1. Intraoral electronic monitoring.

29. USA 6167304 A. Manipulation of EMF nervous systems.

30. USA 20130001422 A1. Remote monitoring of physical conditions.

31. USA 7811234 B2. Remote sensing method and device

32. USA 4924744 A. Producing sound at low frequency

33. USA 4616261 A. Create subliminal visual messages.

34. USA 4395600 A. Auditory subconscious messages.

35. USA 9433789 B2. Stimulation 🧠 remote neural modulation.

36. USA 8892208 B2. Closed-circuit neural stimulation.

37. USA 5788648 A. Quantum stimuli electroencephalograph.

38. USA 7689272 B2. Brain fingerprints.

39. USA 7609001 B2. Magnetron generation of optical radiation.

40. USA 4700068 A. Controlling a particle beam.

41. USA 7405834 B1. Enhanced images RAW weapons.

42. USA 20120274147. Wireless transmission ⚡

43. USA 8049173 B1. The image generator is DEW.

44. USA 2860627 A. Pattern photic stimulator.

45. USA 2995633 A. It means to help hearing

46. USA 3566347 A. A psychoacoustic projector.

47. USA 20020002464 A1. Perception of emotions by phone.

48. USA 8965770 B2. Emotion detection in a call center.

49. USA 7282727 B2. Energy directed by the electron beam.

50. USA 20080282817 A1. Remote Monitoring of Fixed Structures.

51. USA 8362884 B2. Management of radiant EM energy.

52. USA 20120104282 A1. Monitoring of targets.

53. USA 20090193344 A1. The mood of the community.

54. USA 5551879 A. The dream is the state teaching machine.

55. US5954630 A. Audible sound FM inductor theta

56. USA 5330414 A. Brain wave induction apparatus

57. USA 3951134. Change the brain waves remotely.

58. EP 2113063 A1. The current approach system for an active rejection device.

Now do you understand why you're high? We are also trying to protect ourselves from all this. Because people's aggression is increasing every day. Various situations such as thefts, public order problems, manslaughter, disrespect for true scholars, attachment to stupid perverted beliefs, showing appreciation for worthless people have appeared.

Technology and science have been used against you. But you don't even realize it..


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