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Nibiru has come

Yazarın fotoğrafı: Bülent TurgutBülent Turgut

More than 70% of the world will be under water. Dozens of chaotic events will occur in the End Times. The world population will decrease to 1 in 100. Seasons, directions, clocks and calendars will change. Science and technology will disappear. Humanity will fall into a primitive age. Events that have occurred many times in human history will occur again. Because Allah's special punisher, the Star of Tariq, is coming. Christians call it the Wormwood Star, Sumerians call it Neberu / Nibiru, Greeks call it Nemesis, Ancient Central American civilizations call it Quatzelcoatl, Latin American people call it Hercolubus, the world of science call it Planet X, and those who believe in Hz. Yusuf's dream call it the Twelfth Planet. This star is also mentioned in the Hadiths of Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) and in the Sermons of Hz. Ali (ra). It is clearly stated that it will be the first major event of the End Times, that it is a sign of the emergence of the Mahdi and the Antichrist, and that it will bring great destruction. You can come across tens of thousands of pieces of evidence in the narratives of ancient civilizations, rock and cave drawings, and religious narratives. Nibiru shows itself in our research in branches of science such as Astronomy, Geology, Astrophysics, Geophysics, Climatology, Volcanology, Seismology, Cosmology, History of Geology, History of Astronomy, and History. In the last 5-6 years, we have clearly seen the existence of an extraordinary celestial body in our observations on the Schumann Resonance, Polar Axis Shift, Magnetosphere, and other subjects. Pictures by Mario from the Zeta Community, pictures by followers in Siberia, impressions by Arab Amateur Astronomers, images from the SOHO LASCO 2 satellite, and images from the ISS also prove the existence of Nibiru. Nibiru will hit the Earth. Northern Asia, Central Asia, Europe, India, Southeast Asia, Japan, Central and Southern Africa, South America, and North America will be wiped off the map. 40% of Turkey will be under water from the seas, and 20% will be under water due to dam bursts. Buildings all over the world will collapse and not a single stone will remain on top of another. During the passage of Nibiru, all people's belongings will burn in the 7-day fires.

​Within the Turkish Preppers Community, we have developed preparations for the End Times and Nibiru, emergency camp organizations and units to protect our lives, and measures against the events of the End Times. We have carried out disaster situation analyses of various countries in the world and made Chaotic Disaster Strategic Analyses for countries. We have organized emergency camp areas in many countries. We have written vital and invaluable books such as Turkey Disaster and Catastrophe Rescue Guide, Rescue Guide for 15 Coastal Cities of Turkey, Approaching Planet Nibiru, End Times Guide. We have provided consultancy and briefing to many people from different parts of the world on these issues.

The disasters and catastrophes that have increased in intensity in the last 3-4 years are the results of Nibiru's approach. Globalists are trying to cover up and blackout this. Soon Nibiru will reach Earth and Nibiru's 2 tails will rub against Earth. These will have devastating effects. Some jinn societies on Nibiru will descend to Earth. There will be those coming from the Anunnaki, as well as the jinn society called Dabbet'ül Arz.

​Fear has no benefit for death. You too should prepare. The last one will freeze. This is not a final end, it is the Great Divine Destruction. There are many more events that will happen after Nibiru passes, but very few people will be able to see those times. The issue is not to die, but to die like a Muslim and not to become firewood for Hell.

The intelligent one produces a solution and takes action accordingly to do what is necessary. If you know what you want, others will help you accordingly.

We can also offer "Emergency Action Plan" and "Creating an Emergency Camp Structure" studies and "Nibiru Consultancy" to those who provide serious material, moral, equipment and material support to our studies and preparations. Of course, this offer is valid until the Raids of Nibiru are heard. If very serious offers come for our unpublished works, we can evaluate them.

For Your Offers and Requests:

Write in the Subject Header: OFFER FOR THE END TIMES



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