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Why do people go to extremes?

Yazarın fotoğrafı: Bülent TurgutBülent Turgut

People get stuck in radical thoughts when it comes to a serious issue, a problem, an orientation, a crisis, chaos. However, from a scientific and religious point of view, what is recommended to us is always to be sober, to move in the middle path, not to give up precautions, to be prepared, to struggle, not to pass it off with dry prayer. People basically develop one of 2 different reactions when it comes to extreme difficulties and situations that may lead them to give up their comfort:

1. Normality Bias: As a scientific explanation, it is a way for people to show willpower in the form of "never mind, nothing will happen" and "nothing will happen to me". To be even more explicit, it is an indication of "indifference". When they tried to explain this issue in a scientific sense, they put forward a thesis related to pilots ignoring possible errors and problems and endangering the aircraft. It refers to the psychological control of human behavior. People who think that life will always go on like this do not think about possible disasters, catastrophes, troubles, misfortunes at all and do not try to take measures against them. Because death, the damage of the world, the destruction of goods and property, the flight of comfort, the possibility of disrupting the comfort zone make a person nervous, the human soul and the undeveloped mind lead him to the thought "everything is normal, it will continue like this, nothing negative will happen". However, all bad possibilities are at the very center of life, and the probability is often 1 in 2. People adopt the Normality Bias as a point of escape. People who are indifferent to those who tell about bad odds often behave cruelly and want them to shut up.

2. Don't Mix Delusion with Religious Understanding: Those who claim to be fond of their religion or want to use the other person's religious understanding to their advantage use expressions such as "whatever Allah says happens, we can't prevent what's going to happen anyway", "what's the need to try to do something if we're going to die anyway", "If the Apocalypse is coming, we'll die anyway". Such statements are not Islamic, but the product of a fatalistic mentality. It is another type of indifference and carelessness. They are statements made up by those who do not want to do anything in the face of difficulties. What you call Muslim; it has to have basic qualifications such as risk analysis, seeing hazards, preparing measures, making preparations, risk management, fighting difficulties. It is not in accordance with the Islamic understanding to refer everything to Allah. However, it is nothing more than the effort of people who have not even learned their religion correctly and properly to declare their own ideas and integrate their own delusions into religion. In a Hadith, it is said, "Even if you see the Doomsday coming, if you have a sapling in your hand, plant it." The intention and effort of a person are as important as the success of his work.

Both of these bring greater troubles to man. A sane person; if there is a chaotic or distressing situation, he thinks about what he can do and how to take measures. But abnormal and mediocre people say, "what can I do?", "nothing will happen", "Allah will protect us" takes refuge behind words that are beyond belief and logic. Moreover, for those who prepare by being arrogant, there will be no torment that they do not inflict and no bad words that they do not say.

Face the facts

1. When chaotic events (disasters, disasters, troubles, misfortunes) occur, no one will come to your aid. Most people think that help will come, but it is not so. It will be too late for rescue teams or charity workers to arrive. What you do on your own, what you do with a special union and/or local organization is your only guarantee.

2. It is very important that you realize what is what before big events occur, that is, your awareness is opened, that is, your pineal gland is not closed, that is, your perceptions are not being manipulated. Others who are caught up in such negative situations with carelessness like you, and even worse, well-known people whose words you listen to, will easily convince you. Their relaxing and supportive attitude to your carelessness adds more ignorant courage to you. No matter how much he has read, people who have not been able to enter the path of kemalat and are not aware of the dangers are still ignorant. If they don't know their ignorance and on top of that they push others into indifference, then they are idiots too.

3. Great sages, that is, people who can become "Wise of Sages", come 1 in every era. They also call him the "Master of Time" in Islam. However, thousands of people come from those who think themselves wise. They pass over topics without mentioning national, spiritual and religious values and without mentioning important sources and reference areas at all. Most of the time, they cannot contribute anything to the nation just because they think and speak in the context of material interests or social problems. When you find the true sage, it is in all your interests to take advantage of him. If you try to listen to everyone, you will get confused and lost your way.

Reaching out for help in chaotic times

When great troubles and chaotic situations occur, people are very anxious, they want others to come and rescue them, they are waiting for their helplessness to be resolved somehow. But almost never this is what they want. According to the analysis of the states, the proportion of people that rescue teams can reach when an earthquake occurs does not exceed 2%. He will also block roads, block other people, prevent charity workers from providing support if major events do not occur.

Is it difficult to prepare?

All kinds of movement styles such as smoking, drinking, spending for pleasure, taking a vacation, buying a new phone, changing household items every few years have been internalized by people, so they have started to be perceived as a daily necessity. In fact, many things are not in the "must-have" class. Many things can be given up and savings can be made and resources can be created to prepare for bad times. If you spread this out over the years, you can handle it more easily. If you leave your work to the last moment, you will not be able to do anything. Many people want to predict the time when they will take action with the question "when will it happen". But in no event and under no circumstances can you define a clear time. Unknown and unpredictable factors always disrupt the business. For him, people should prepare for imminent possibilities in a "relaxed, calm and peaceful time". That's the smartest thing.

Preparation in the World (Preparing)

In countries that raise smart and more qualified people, Preparedness is perceived as a "Rising Value". with the epidemic process launched in 2019, a great awakening has occurred in the United States. Previously, Preparedness was an issue of interest to 5% of the population in the USA, but in 2024 this percentage climbed to 65%. Turks and Muslims, on the other hand, are still sleeping under the deceptions of crypto-Jews and with the effects of remote control brought by certain liquids imposed by Globalists. Those who spend their all on buying mobile phones, goods, houses, cars and enjoying themselves do not spend anything on preparation.

Quickly, what do you need to do?

I've talked about this a lot at length. I will publish the articles again in due course. But let's list the main issues:

1. Learn the age you are living in well: the End Times from the Hadiths and the Prophet.You can learn from Ali's (ra) Sermons. More detailed information will only be in the hands of true sages. They have both knowledge and foresight. Predictions are information-based perspectives and personal opinions.

2. Find out thoroughly what Nibiru is and what it brings. Because we will meet him shortly. Nibiru brings the Divine Great Destruction, the Apocalypse process. The world population will remain at a rate of 1/100. Human, plant and animal populations will be greatly reduced.

3. Learn preparedness and make it a lifestyle. Do not obsess and remain reckless, find a middle way. Research the preparer websites and watch the Survival videos. Research and learn about topics such as Bushcraft, Woodcraft, Blacksmithing, Surviving, Preparing, Camping, Mounteneering, Self Defense. I have written their English so that it will be easy for your research.

4. Analyze well the disasters, catastrophes, troubles and misfortunes that have occurred and may occur on a global and local basis today. Create your measures and action plans according to your analyses.

5. Don't keep whining, because no one wants to listen to you whining. If you don't want to do anything and want to surrender to the Globalists as a mindset, hang out in the appropriate areas for yourself.

6. Do not trust globalist companies, artificial intelligences, robots, economic systems, servants, media structures, politicians, academics, organizations, Masonic structures, social media and social networking websites, artists, journalists, well-known people. And if you trust, don't hurt someone else's head.

7. Create a community of Preparers with people in your neighborhood or your circle of friends. Make an Emergency Action Plan and identify your safe areas. Determine in advance where you can go in the event of a Bug-out. It is very difficult to find people to trust at this time. Because corruption has spread everywhere, and unfortunately, the brains of liquefied people have come under the control of Globalists because of certain liquids. That is why it takes great skill to create a Community of Preppers with people who can be "trusted" and to organize an Emergency Camp. Not everyone can do this either.

What have we done?

As the Turkish Preppers Community, we have continued some studies. Currently, they are the most applicable Preparatory studies in the world. These studies were carried out not only for Nibiru, but also for many existing disasters and disasters. About 40 million people participated in 44 countries of the world. We did not reach the numbers we wanted in Turkey. Unfortunately, people are very uninterested in serious issues. Moreover, we did not have access to financial resources that could continue our studies any longer. We were hoping to be able to develop our studies further and get financial resources (such as creating real campgrounds and training areas), but it didn't happen. We were able to bring it up to a point with our own financial resources.

1. We have organized Emergency Campgrounds belonging to about 50 countries of the world. We also gave thousands of pages of documents, promotional cards, many map supplies to the participants.

2. We have created about 2000 information documents and maps belonging to about 50 countries of the world.

3. We have established a Community of Turkish Preparers. it has been active in 44 countries, but not much has been done in Turkish countries.

4. In three years; I have translated 10000 pages, reviewed more than 5000 patents, distributed 60000 (sixty thousand) pages of documents and thousands of maps for free.

5. I gave free lessons about preparedness.

6. I have published a 777-page book called the Guide to Salvation from Disasters and Disasters in Turkey. I did my 4000-page Nibiru and End Times study, but I didn't publish it. I am also working on a Preparatory book that will exceed 1000 pages.

7. I have prepared a book called Germany Guide to Salvation from Disasters and Disasters, but I have not published it.

Final Offer

If you go to the awakening and ask for support from us to become a preparer, we will help you as long as our time allows. We are also continuing our preparations. You help us with our preparations (buying various preparation materials), and we will help you. There is a great deal of effort and time involved. Do not forget the fact that you will have to spend some money to become a preparer. At least you will need to buy camping equipment for yourself and your family. If you don't want to do anything, keep moving along the path you know. I spent 22 years sleeping for 2 hours a day while others were walking around, having fun and sleeping. While others spent their money on traveling and having fun, vacationing, smoking (85% of the population of our country smokes) and/or drinking (55% of the country's population drinks), renewing mobile phones, buying houses and cars, renovating household items, stacking goods, I bought even a little camping equipment. If you don't make a sacrifice, you can't do anything. If you feel poor, it's not because of me either. I didn't eat anyone's property or money. In fact, I have done all the work for this nation when this country has not given me much of a problem for half a century of people. Can there be greater loyalty from this? If you don't appreciate it, I won't tell him.

NOTE: I am an Academic Biologist, Historian and Turkologist. I didn't study at globalist schools.

The globalists are making a big cover-up. The reason they have increased Chemtrails in the last 1 year is to prevent people from seeing Nibiru's arrival. I have been giving information to people in various fields for 30 years. I make shares on topics such as the ravages caused by vaccines, Traditional Medicine, Biology, real History, Astronomy, Nibiru. Globalists don't like these things. For him, they are also constantly trying to block it.

If you would like to join one of our emergency camps, please contact us. 

If you want to support us materially, you can contact us. Then we can send you special weekly information emails. Thus, you can be informed about Nibiru both in general and as new developments.


On Social Media We:



Bulent Turgut

Bülent Abdullah Turgut (BAT) Turkey and the Turkic World - ProfDrBAT - Atalar

Yolu - Turkish Preppers - Turkutopia

Bulent Turgut - The Last Observer

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Sky and Disaster Research Group

Nibiru Update

Nibiru Update 2

Sky and Disaster Research Group

Disasters in the World

Plus 1

Bulent Turgut

Nibiru / Wormwood / Tariq Star

Звезда Нибиру/Тарика

Nibiru / Tarik Star

Bulent Turgut, Turk Red Wolf / Descendant of the Red Khan




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